Cortep 2016 : 16th Romanian Textiles and Leather Conference

Editura Performantica chat
Loc publicare Iaşi
An 2016
Subiect Industria textilă chat
Industria pielăriei chat
Conferinţă internaţională chat
ISBN 9786066854641
Note Bibliogr. la sfârşitul capitolelor


    Cortep 2016 : 16th Romanian Textiles and Leather Conference : 27-29 October 2016 : book of abstracts / "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iaşi ; [coordonator: Manuela Avădanei] ; [consilier editorial: prof.univ.dr. Traian D. Stănciulescu].- Iaşi : Performantica , 2016.
    154 p..- (Textiles 4 all, Textiles 4 ever).    
    Bibliogr. la sfârşitul capitolelor
    PLENARY LECTURES Yan CHEN Carbon Emission Assessment Based on Multi-Constraint Relations of Garment Flexible Manufacturing15 Lieva Van Langenhove E-TEAM+: the NEXT Generation AUTEX Master.16 Lu bos Hes Conversion of Water Vapour Permeability Data For Textiles Obtained by Various Testing Methods and Uncertainties of Gravimetric Testing Methods17 Ana Marija Grancaric Perfection of Whiteness and Fluorescence in the Cleanliness and Human Protection19 ORAL AND POSTER PRESENTATIONS Section 1: New Fibers and Advanced Materials Zuhaib HASSAN Filtration Properties of Thermally Treated Nanofibrous Webs20 Daniela NEGRU, Liliana BUHU Analysis of Properties for Conductive Textile Yarns22 Adriana - Ioana SUBŢIRICA, Angela DOROGAN Biomaterials for Tissue Regeneration23 Section 2: Textile science and technology Savin Dorin IONESI, Luminiţa CIOBANU, Mariana URSACHE, Emil LOGHIN and lonut DULGHERIU Modelling the Impact Behaviour of Composites Materials Using FEM25 Pierre-Baptiste JACQUOT, Didier PERRIN, Benjamin GALLARD, Romain LÉGER, Patrick IENNY Peel Strength Impact of Functionaiized Polyethylene to Thermoplastic Polyurethane Calendered on a Polyeste Fabric26 Luminiţa CIOBANU, Irina CRISTIAN, Savin Dorin IONESI Investigation Regarding the Influence of the Fabric Characteristics on VARTM Efficiency for Textile Composites27 Yordanka ANGELOVA Effect of CuBr Laser Parameters on the Contrastof the Marking of the TextileFabric28 Lucia STELEA, Oana BORHAN, Angela CEREMPEI,Cristina PIROI, Augustin MUREŞAN Optimization of Emulsions Obtained from Essential oil of Sage and Beeswax/Chitosan, Intended for Functionalization of Textile Materials29 Parag BASHAVAR, Stelian Sergiu MAIER, Augustin MURESAN Keratin Hydrolysate as a Foaming Auxiliary for Textile Dyeing Process30 Angela CEREMPEI, Romeo Mihai CIOBANU, Emil loan MUREŞAN Selective Study on Degree of Acceptance and Potential of Aroma therapeuticTextiles31 Liliana LUTIC Linear Cover Coefficient - the Main Indicator in the Evaluation of the Functional Characteristics of the Knitted Fabrics32 Adela FLOREA, Irina IONESCU, Pulferia NICOLAIOV, Maria VRANESCU Workplaces Ergonomy for People with Disabilities33 Adela FLOREA, Carmen LOGHIN and Irina IONESCU Work Methods for the Sewing Machine for Products with Special Destination35 Pulferia NICOLAIOV, Manuela AVADANEI, Adela FLOREA, Emil Loghin Flexibility and Predictability on the Value Chain of Garments with Unconventional Finishing36 Luminiţa CIOBANU, Liliana BUHU, Mariana URSACHE, Savin IONESI Practical Study Regarding the Structural Parameters of Weft Knitted Fabrics38 Section 3: Textile structures and properties Yordan KYOSEV Modelling of Warp Knitted Structures at Filament Level39 Cristina RACU A Study of the Fiber Migration in Yarn Cross-Section for Hemp/Polypropylene Blends40 Mihai STAN Meta-Textile Structures, a Technological Challenge of Textile Industry41 Laura MACOVEI, Viorica CREŢU, Antonela CURTEZA Knitted Home Products Based on Stitch Transfer Technique42 ElSayed A. ELNASHAR Volume Porosity and Air Permeability in Knitted Fabrics43 Rodica HARPA Regarding Some Factors that May Influence the Data Accuracy in the Subjective Evaluation of the Fabrics Hand45 Mirela BLAGA, Ioana STANCIULESCU Knits Inspired by the Architecture of the Buildings46 Lucia STELEA, Costica SAVA, loan FILIP, Augustin MURESAN Researches on the Obtaining of Composite Materials by Using the Bast Fibers as Reinforcement Materials47 loan IACOB, Daniela LIUŢE Research on the Cold Sizing of Cotton Yarn Warps48 Mariana ICHIM, Costică SAVA Bending Rigidity of Yarns and Knitted Fabrics Made from Blends of Cotton and Cottonised Hemp or Flax49 Maria Magdalena OSTAFE, Dorin AVRAM and Liliana HRISTIAN Research on Elastic Behaviour of Technical Textiles50 Cezar-Florin BULACU, Romulus BULACU1 and Daniela FARIMA2 Experimental Research on the Properties of Nonwoven Materials for Medical Use51 Cristinel LUCA, loan CIOARĂ, Alexandra DRUG (LUCA) Modeling of the Tensile Properties of the Geotextiles Used in Road Construction52 Section 4: Intelligent textiles Eftalea CARPUS, Alexandra ENE, Carmen MIHAI, Razvan SCARLAT Aspects Regarding the Causal System of Interactive Textiles Implementation Concept54 Section 5: Functional textiles and clothing Boris MAHLTIG Textile Concepts for Radiation Protection55 Viorica CREŢU Functional Knitted Fabrics for UV Protection Clothing...57 Viorica CREŢU, Laura MACOVEI, Antonela CURTEZA Innovative Textil Products with Electrically Conductive Yarns Doina TOMA, Alina POPESCU, Laura CHIRILA, Claudia NICULESCU Personal Protective Equipment for Emergency Responders60 Bianca ALUCULESEI, Sybille CRZYWINSKI, Antonela CURTEZA, Christine MEIXNER Animation of 3D Human Scanning Data - Extracting the Sitting Posture for a Better Understanding of the Garment Development for Wheelchair Users62 Alina - Lacramioara APREUTESEI, Antonela CURTEZA, Octavian BALTAG, Vasile Claudiu CIUBOTARU Electromagnetic Protection Function of Woven Fabrics with Metallic Yarns63 Spela ZAKRAJSEK, Andrej VILAR, Brigita TOMSIC, Barbara SIMONCIC, Almira SADAR, Alenka Pavko CUDEN 3D Foldable Knitted Structures for Sound Absorption65 Ovidiu IORDACHE1, Andreea COZEA2, Cornelia MITRAN Elena VARZARU1, luliana DUMITRESCU1, Elena STOICA3, Corneliu PLATON4 Microencapsulated eucalyptus oil functionalized textiles67 Section 6: IT applications Yan HONG, Pascal BRUNAUIX, Xianyi ZENG, Yan CHEN, Antonela CURTEZA Interactive Garment Block Design for Disabled People of Scoliosis Type Using Virtual Simulation69 Adrian VILCU, Ion VERZEA, Catalin VILCU Heuristic Algorithm for Optimization of Manufacturing Process by Balancing a Production Line From a Textile Company70 Daniela LIUTE, Adrian BUHU Foams deposition process control on textile materials71 Section 7: Machinery developments Katalin KUSTER, Matthias AURICH, Yordan KYOSEV Machine Configurations for Multilayer Braided Structures with Complex Cross Sections72 Romulus BULACU, Cezar-Florin BULACU Adapting Spinnbau- Hergeth Installation for The Production of Nonwoven Textile Material with Low Weight73 Section 8: Fashion design and product development Claudia NICULESCU, Adrian SALISTEAN, Georgeta POPESCU Multi-Functional Harness/Container Equipment for Parachutes74 Emilia FILIPESCU, luliana STREBA Constructive Design of Models with Architectural Forms75 Manuela AVADANEI, Emil LOGHIN, lonut DULGHERIU Theoretical Considerations Regarding the Process of Designing Customized Prototypes of Garments76 Marcela IROVAN, Victoria DANILA, Stela BALAN, Irina TUTUNARU The Design of Apparel Products or Premature Babies78 Marcela IROVAN, Victoria DANILA, Stela BALAN, Irina TUTUNARU The Study of the Particularities of Designing Functional Apparel Products for Premature Babies79 Svetlana CANGAS, Viorica CAZAC The Human Body Proportions in Relation to the Fashion Tendency of Designing Children Clothes80 Svetlana CANGAS, Viorica CAZAC The Design and the Development of Headwear Products According to The Fashion Trend Line of Modern Costumes81 Mirela BLAGA, Andreea ALEXANDRU Knitted Fabrics for Romanian Folk Costumes82 Viorica CAZAC, Svetlana CANGAŞ The use of calligraphic elements in the customizing process of textiles, clothes and clothing accessories83 Viorica CAZAC, Svetlana CANGAŞ New Possibilities for Designing Textiles Products in Order to Improve the Sense of Perception for Persons with Sight Deficiencies84 Stela BALAN, Irina TUTUNARU, Marcela IROVAN and Maria MANOLE Analysis of Principles of Constructive Design of Tricot Products With Shoulder Support for Women85 Stela BALAN, Irina TUTUNARU, Marcela Irovan and Maria MANOLE Optimization of Procedures of Elaboration of Basic Contours of Tricotage Shoulder Support Products for Women86 Tijana TODOROVIC, Alenka PAVKO-CUDEN Symbols of Slovenian/Yugoslavian Fashion Compared to World Fashion Centers87 Liliana LUTIC Traditional Folk Costume -Inexhaustible Source of Inspiration for DecoratingGarments88 Section 9: Innovations in textile finishing luliana DUMITRESCU, Ovidiu-George IORDACHE, Elena VARZARU, Elena-Cornelia MITRAN, Bogdan TRICA Graphene (0.1%)- Ti02 nanocomposite Effect on Textile Materials89 Maria LARION, Emil loan MURESAN, Angela CEREMPEI, Augustin MURESAN Adsorption of Methylene Blue Dye from Aqueous Solutions Using Metalosiiicate Beads as Adsorbents90 D.P. CHATTOPADHYAY, Prabhat SINGH Synthesis of Nano Paraffin and Its Application to Polyester for Near Superhydrophobicity91 Ion Razvan RADULESCU, Lilioara SURDU, Laura CHIRIAC, Veronica SATULU, Bogdana MITU, Gheorghe DINESCU Low Pressure Plasma Treatments for Hydrophobic Fabrics92 Andra Manuela CRUDU, Doina SIBIESCU, Marian CRUDU, Augustin MURESAN Complex Compunds with O, O’ HydroxyAzo Dye and Silver (I)93 Cezar-Doru RADU, Oana PARTENI, Loti-Cornelia OPROIU and Daciana-Elena BRANISTEANU Medical Textiles with a Controlled Release of Drug in Cutaneous Therapies95 Angela CEREMPEI, Ana Irina ECSNER, Tatiana CONSTANDACHE, Augustin MUREŞAN Optimization of the Printing With Pigment Yellow 1796 Section 10: Advances in leather processing Melinda PRUNEANU, Vasilica MAIER, Ingrid BUCIŞCANU, lulia BĂLĂU-MÎNDRU Eco-Friendly Leather Obtained by Using an Oligomeric Resin as Pre-Tanning Agent97 Section 11: Footwear design and technology Antonio Dinis MARQUES, Grapa GUEDES, Fernando FERREIRA Open Innovation in the Fashion Industry: Portuguese Footwear Industry98 Alina IOVAN DRAGOMIR, Mariana DRISCU Fitting Digital Design on Various Digital Lasts Created with 3D DELCAM CRISPIN100 Alina IOVAN DRAGOMIR, Alexandra LUCA The Impact of Reinforced Lining onUpper Breathability101 Cozmin IONESCU, Cornelia LUCA, loan CIOARĂ Some Contributions in the Designing of the Injection Systems of the Mould Cavities in Shoes Industry102 Cozmin IONESCU, Cornelia LUCA, loan CIOARĂ Contribution of the Footwear Outsoles Moulds Programming Made on Injection Equipments103 Mariana COSTEA, Aura MIHAI Plantar Footprint Analyse of The Elderly's Feet - One Case Study104 Mariana COSTEA, Carmen TIŢĂ, Bogdan SÂRGHIE, Aura MIHAI Strategies for Green Marketing in Footwear Industry106 Aura MIHAI, Mariana COSTEA, Bogdan SÂRGHIE Knowledge Platform for Transferring Research and Innovation in Footwear Manufacturing108 Cornelia LUCA, Cozmin IONESCU Researches About the Realization of the Moulds by Electrochemical Technologies109 Cornelia LUCA, Cozmin IONESCU Researches About the Manufacturing of The Silicone Rubber Moulds110 Section 12: Ecology in textiles and leather processing Alexandra LUCA, Ingrid-loana BUCIÇCANU Carbon and Water Footprints - Tools for Measuring Sustainability of Leather Processing111 Elena VARZARU, luliana DUMITRESCU, Cornelia- Elena MITRAN, Ovidiu- George IORDACHE Development and Validation of Analytical Method for Determination of Carcinogenic amines from textile dyes113 Ovidiu IORDACHE, Floarea PRICOP, luliana DUMITRESCU, Elena VARZARU, Cornelia MITRAN Bioburden isolation of various microbial strains from textile wastewater treatment plant, for future bio sorbent114 Section 13: Marketing and management Daniela Geanina LUCA (COSOSCHI), Alina LUCA, Luminita Mihela LUPU, lonut Viorel HERGHILIGIU Analyze of Relationship Between the Intellectual Capital and The Stages of Acquisition Process of Organizational Knowledge115 Ion VERZEA, Gabriel-Petru LUCA, Rachid CHAIB, Adrian VÂLCU Conventional Work Units Breakeven Point Assessment in The Garment Industry116 Melissa Monika WAGNER, Antonela CURTEZA A Conceptual Study of The Romanian Ethical Fashion Consumer Decision Journey117 Catalin ALEXANDRU, Alexandru-Cosmin CIOCEA, Romeo-Mihai CIOBANU Real-Time Information System for Users of Bus Public Transport119 Manoj Kumar PARAS, Antonela CURTEZA, Rudrajeet PAL A State-of-The-Art Literature Review of Upcycling: A Clothing Industry Perspective121 Lidia ALEXA, Silvia AVASILCĂI, Marius PÂSLARU Social Media and the Fashion Industry a Conceptual Approach123 Gabriela RUSU, Silvia AVASILCAI Linking Employee Performance to Strategic Human Resource Management124 Adriana BUJOR, Silvia AVASILCAI The impact of fashion design to the European Union's Economy125 Elena GALATEANU (AVRAM), Silvia AVASILCAI Business Ecosystem Health: Linking Performance to Actors Roles126 Adriana ZAHARIA, Silvia AVASILCAI, Carmen-Aida HUTU The Role of Innovation in Competitive Advantage Achievement127 Mihaela DIACONU Trends of Obstacles to Innovation in Romanian Firms128 Dragoş-lonuţ ANGHELUŢĂ, Luminiţa Mihaela LUPU Research on Information Security Management130 Section 14: Engineering education Bogdan RUSU1,2, Mariana URSACHE1, Savin Dorin IONESI1,2, Luminiţa CIOBANU1, Manuela AVĂDANEI1, Maria Carmen LOGHIN1 Continuing Education for Romanian SMEs - Skills Gained Through E-learning131 Mariana URSACHE1, Bogdan RUSU1'2, Savin Dorin IONESI1,2, Luminiţa CIOBANU1, Manuela AVĂDANEI1, Maria Carmen LOGHIN1 Continuing Education for Romanian SMEs - Challenges for HEIs133 Carmen TITA Blended Learning as a New Approach to Education135 Adrian BUHU, Liliana BUHU How to Use H5P for Learning in Engineering?136 Mariana URSACHE, Savin Dorin IONESI, Luminiţa CIOBANU, Carmen Maria LOGHIN, Bogdan RUSU, Manuela AVADANEI, Dan DORIN and Emil LOGHIN TECLO PROJECT - “Textile and Clothing Managers for Export, Marketing, Innovation, Sustainability and Entrepreneurship Oriented Companies” - Results and FUTURE ACTIONS137 Mariana URSACHE, Carmen Maria LOGHIN, Manuela AVADANEI, Savin Dorin IONESI, Luminiţa CIOBANU, Irina IONESCU Developing New Skills for the Extroversion Specializations of Fashion Industry in Europe. EXTRO-SKILLS138.
    ISBN 9786066854641

    I Avădanei, Manuela(coordonator)
    II Stănciulescu, Traian D.(editor)

    1. Industria textilă
    2. Industria pielăriei
    3. Conferinţă internaţională


299 __ $aCortep 2016 : 16th Romanian Textiles and Leather Conference
955 __ $a1
200 __ $aCortep 2016 $e16th Romanian Textiles and Leather Conference $e27-29 October 2016 $ebook of abstracts $f"Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iaşi $g[coordonator: Manuela Avădanei] $g[consilier editorial: prof.univ.dr. Traian D. Stănciulescu] $bCarte tipărită
702 __ $aAvădanei, Manuela $4coordonator
702 __ $aStănciulescu, Traian D. $4editor
010 __ $a9786066854641
035 __ $a67/69/C72
675 __ $a687(063)
686 __ $a66/69
606 __ $aIndustria textilă
606 __ $aIndustria pielăriei
606 __ $aConferinţă internaţională
101 __ $aeng
102 __ $aRomania
210 __ $aIaşi $cPerformantica $d2016
215 __ $a154 p.
225 __ $aTextiles 4 all, Textiles 4 ever
710 __ $aUniversitatea Tehnică "Gheorghe Asachi" din Iaşi
300 __ $aBibliogr. la sfârşitul capitolelor
330 __ $aPLENARY LECTURES Yan CHEN Carbon Emission Assessment Based on Multi-Constraint Relations of Garment Flexible Manufacturing15 Lieva Van Langenhove E-TEAM+: the NEXT Generation AUTEX Master.16 Lu bos Hes Conversion of Water Vapour Permeability Data For Textiles Obtained by Various Testing Methods and Uncertainties of Gravimetric Testing Methods17 Ana Marija Grancaric Perfection of Whiteness and Fluorescence in the Cleanliness and Human Protection19 ORAL AND POSTER PRESENTATIONS Section 1: New Fibers and Advanced Materials Zuhaib HASSAN Filtration Properties of Thermally Treated Nanofibrous Webs20 Daniela NEGRU, Liliana BUHU Analysis of Properties for Conductive Textile Yarns22 Adriana - Ioana SUBŢIRICA, Angela DOROGAN Biomaterials for Tissue Regeneration23 Section 2: Textile science and technology Savin Dorin IONESI, Luminiţa CIOBANU, Mariana URSACHE, Emil LOGHIN and lonut DULGHERIU Modelling the Impact Behaviour of Composites Materials Using FEM25 Pierre-Baptiste JACQUOT, Didier PERRIN, Benjamin GALLARD, Romain LÉGER, Patrick IENNY Peel Strength Impact of Functionaiized Polyethylene to Thermoplastic Polyurethane Calendered on a Polyeste Fabric26 Luminiţa CIOBANU, Irina CRISTIAN, Savin Dorin IONESI Investigation Regarding the Influence of the Fabric Characteristics on VARTM Efficiency for Textile Composites27 Yordanka ANGELOVA Effect of CuBr Laser Parameters on the Contrastof the Marking of the TextileFabric28 Lucia STELEA, Oana BORHAN, Angela CEREMPEI,Cristina PIROI, Augustin MUREŞAN Optimization of Emulsions Obtained from Essential oil of Sage and Beeswax/Chitosan, Intended for Functionalization of Textile Materials29 Parag BASHAVAR, Stelian Sergiu MAIER, Augustin MURESAN Keratin Hydrolysate as a Foaming Auxiliary for Textile Dyeing Process30 Angela CEREMPEI, Romeo Mihai CIOBANU, Emil loan MUREŞAN Selective Study on Degree of Acceptance and Potential of Aroma therapeuticTextiles31 Liliana LUTIC Linear Cover Coefficient - the Main Indicator in the Evaluation of the Functional Characteristics of the Knitted Fabrics32 Adela FLOREA, Irina IONESCU, Pulferia NICOLAIOV, Maria VRANESCU Workplaces Ergonomy for People with Disabilities33 Adela FLOREA, Carmen LOGHIN and Irina IONESCU Work Methods for the Sewing Machine for Products with Special Destination35 Pulferia NICOLAIOV, Manuela AVADANEI, Adela FLOREA, Emil Loghin Flexibility and Predictability on the Value Chain of Garments with Unconventional Finishing36 Luminiţa CIOBANU, Liliana BUHU, Mariana URSACHE, Savin IONESI Practical Study Regarding the Structural Parameters of Weft Knitted Fabrics38 Section 3: Textile structures and properties Yordan KYOSEV Modelling of Warp Knitted Structures at Filament Level39 Cristina RACU A Study of the Fiber Migration in Yarn Cross-Section for Hemp/Polypropylene Blends40 Mihai STAN Meta-Textile Structures, a Technological Challenge of Textile Industry41 Laura MACOVEI, Viorica CREŢU, Antonela CURTEZA Knitted Home Products Based on Stitch Transfer Technique42 ElSayed A. ELNASHAR Volume Porosity and Air Permeability in Knitted Fabrics43 Rodica HARPA Regarding Some Factors that May Influence the Data Accuracy in the Subjective Evaluation of the Fabrics Hand45 Mirela BLAGA, Ioana STANCIULESCU Knits Inspired by the Architecture of the Buildings46 Lucia STELEA, Costica SAVA, loan FILIP, Augustin MURESAN Researches on the Obtaining of Composite Materials by Using the Bast Fibers as Reinforcement Materials47 loan IACOB, Daniela LIUŢE Research on the Cold Sizing of Cotton Yarn Warps48 Mariana ICHIM, Costică SAVA Bending Rigidity of Yarns and Knitted Fabrics Made from Blends of Cotton and Cottonised Hemp or Flax49 Maria Magdalena OSTAFE, Dorin AVRAM and Liliana HRISTIAN Research on Elastic Behaviour of Technical Textiles50 Cezar-Florin BULACU, Romulus BULACU1 and Daniela FARIMA2 Experimental Research on the Properties of Nonwoven Materials for Medical Use51 Cristinel LUCA, loan CIOARĂ, Alexandra DRUG (LUCA) Modeling of the Tensile Properties of the Geotextiles Used in Road Construction52 Section 4: Intelligent textiles Eftalea CARPUS, Alexandra ENE, Carmen MIHAI, Razvan SCARLAT Aspects Regarding the Causal System of Interactive Textiles Implementation Concept54 Section 5: Functional textiles and clothing Boris MAHLTIG Textile Concepts for Radiation Protection55 Viorica CREŢU Functional Knitted Fabrics for UV Protection Clothing...57 Viorica CREŢU, Laura MACOVEI, Antonela CURTEZA Innovative Textil Products with Electrically Conductive Yarns Doina TOMA, Alina POPESCU, Laura CHIRILA, Claudia NICULESCU Personal Protective Equipment for Emergency Responders60 Bianca ALUCULESEI, Sybille CRZYWINSKI, Antonela CURTEZA, Christine MEIXNER Animation of 3D Human Scanning Data - Extracting the Sitting Posture for a Better Understanding of the Garment Development for Wheelchair Users62 Alina - Lacramioara APREUTESEI, Antonela CURTEZA, Octavian BALTAG, Vasile Claudiu CIUBOTARU Electromagnetic Protection Function of Woven Fabrics with Metallic Yarns63 Spela ZAKRAJSEK, Andrej VILAR, Brigita TOMSIC, Barbara SIMONCIC, Almira SADAR, Alenka Pavko CUDEN 3D Foldable Knitted Structures for Sound Absorption65 Ovidiu IORDACHE1, Andreea COZEA2, Cornelia MITRAN Elena VARZARU1, luliana DUMITRESCU1, Elena STOICA3, Corneliu PLATON4 Microencapsulated eucalyptus oil functionalized textiles67 Section 6: IT applications Yan HONG, Pascal BRUNAUIX, Xianyi ZENG, Yan CHEN, Antonela CURTEZA Interactive Garment Block Design for Disabled People of Scoliosis Type Using Virtual Simulation69 Adrian VILCU, Ion VERZEA, Catalin VILCU Heuristic Algorithm for Optimization of Manufacturing Process by Balancing a Production Line From a Textile Company70 Daniela LIUTE, Adrian BUHU Foams deposition process control on textile materials71 Section 7: Machinery developments Katalin KUSTER, Matthias AURICH, Yordan KYOSEV Machine Configurations for Multilayer Braided Structures with Complex Cross Sections72 Romulus BULACU, Cezar-Florin BULACU Adapting Spinnbau- Hergeth Installation for The Production of Nonwoven Textile Material with Low Weight73 Section 8: Fashion design and product development Claudia NICULESCU, Adrian SALISTEAN, Georgeta POPESCU Multi-Functional Harness/Container Equipment for Parachutes74 Emilia FILIPESCU, luliana STREBA Constructive Design of Models with Architectural Forms75 Manuela AVADANEI, Emil LOGHIN, lonut DULGHERIU Theoretical Considerations Regarding the Process of Designing Customized Prototypes of Garments76 Marcela IROVAN, Victoria DANILA, Stela BALAN, Irina TUTUNARU The Design of Apparel Products or Premature Babies78 Marcela IROVAN, Victoria DANILA, Stela BALAN, Irina TUTUNARU The Study of the Particularities of Designing Functional Apparel Products for Premature Babies79 Svetlana CANGAS, Viorica CAZAC The Human Body Proportions in Relation to the Fashion Tendency of Designing Children Clothes80 Svetlana CANGAS, Viorica CAZAC The Design and the Development of Headwear Products According to The Fashion Trend Line of Modern Costumes81 Mirela BLAGA, Andreea ALEXANDRU Knitted Fabrics for Romanian Folk Costumes82 Viorica CAZAC, Svetlana CANGAŞ The use of calligraphic elements in the customizing process of textiles, clothes and clothing accessories83 Viorica CAZAC, Svetlana CANGAŞ New Possibilities for Designing Textiles Products in Order to Improve the Sense of Perception for Persons with Sight Deficiencies84 Stela BALAN, Irina TUTUNARU, Marcela IROVAN and Maria MANOLE Analysis of Principles of Constructive Design of Tricot Products With Shoulder Support for Women85 Stela BALAN, Irina TUTUNARU, Marcela Irovan and Maria MANOLE Optimization of Procedures of Elaboration of Basic Contours of Tricotage Shoulder Support Products for Women86 Tijana TODOROVIC, Alenka PAVKO-CUDEN Symbols of Slovenian/Yugoslavian Fashion Compared to World Fashion Centers87 Liliana LUTIC Traditional Folk Costume -Inexhaustible Source of Inspiration for DecoratingGarments88 Section 9: Innovations in textile finishing luliana DUMITRESCU, Ovidiu-George IORDACHE, Elena VARZARU, Elena-Cornelia MITRAN, Bogdan TRICA Graphene (0.1%)- Ti02 nanocomposite Effect on Textile Materials89 Maria LARION, Emil loan MURESAN, Angela CEREMPEI, Augustin MURESAN Adsorption of Methylene Blue Dye from Aqueous Solutions Using Metalosiiicate Beads as Adsorbents90 D.P. CHATTOPADHYAY, Prabhat SINGH Synthesis of Nano Paraffin and Its Application to Polyester for Near Superhydrophobicity91 Ion Razvan RADULESCU, Lilioara SURDU, Laura CHIRIAC, Veronica SATULU, Bogdana MITU, Gheorghe DINESCU Low Pressure Plasma Treatments for Hydrophobic Fabrics92 Andra Manuela CRUDU, Doina SIBIESCU, Marian CRUDU, Augustin MURESAN Complex Compunds with O, O’ HydroxyAzo Dye and Silver (I)93 Cezar-Doru RADU, Oana PARTENI, Loti-Cornelia OPROIU and Daciana-Elena BRANISTEANU Medical Textiles with a Controlled Release of Drug in Cutaneous Therapies95 Angela CEREMPEI, Ana Irina ECSNER, Tatiana CONSTANDACHE, Augustin MUREŞAN Optimization of the Printing With Pigment Yellow 1796 Section 10: Advances in leather processing Melinda PRUNEANU, Vasilica MAIER, Ingrid BUCIŞCANU, lulia BĂLĂU-MÎNDRU Eco-Friendly Leather Obtained by Using an Oligomeric Resin as Pre-Tanning Agent97 Section 11: Footwear design and technology Antonio Dinis MARQUES, Grapa GUEDES, Fernando FERREIRA Open Innovation in the Fashion Industry: Portuguese Footwear Industry98 Alina IOVAN DRAGOMIR, Mariana DRISCU Fitting Digital Design on Various Digital Lasts Created with 3D DELCAM CRISPIN100 Alina IOVAN DRAGOMIR, Alexandra LUCA The Impact of Reinforced Lining onUpper Breathability101 Cozmin IONESCU, Cornelia LUCA, loan CIOARĂ Some Contributions in the Designing of the Injection Systems of the Mould Cavities in Shoes Industry102 Cozmin IONESCU, Cornelia LUCA, loan CIOARĂ Contribution of the Footwear Outsoles Moulds Programming Made on Injection Equipments103 Mariana COSTEA, Aura MIHAI Plantar Footprint Analyse of The Elderly's Feet - One Case Study104 Mariana COSTEA, Carmen TIŢĂ, Bogdan SÂRGHIE, Aura MIHAI Strategies for Green Marketing in Footwear Industry106 Aura MIHAI, Mariana COSTEA, Bogdan SÂRGHIE Knowledge Platform for Transferring Research and Innovation in Footwear Manufacturing108 Cornelia LUCA, Cozmin IONESCU Researches About the Realization of the Moulds by Electrochemical Technologies109 Cornelia LUCA, Cozmin IONESCU Researches About the Manufacturing of The Silicone Rubber Moulds110 Section 12: Ecology in textiles and leather processing Alexandra LUCA, Ingrid-loana BUCIÇCANU Carbon and Water Footprints - Tools for Measuring Sustainability of Leather Processing111 Elena VARZARU, luliana DUMITRESCU, Cornelia- Elena MITRAN, Ovidiu- George IORDACHE Development and Validation of Analytical Method for Determination of Carcinogenic amines from textile dyes113 Ovidiu IORDACHE, Floarea PRICOP, luliana DUMITRESCU, Elena VARZARU, Cornelia MITRAN Bioburden isolation of various microbial strains from textile wastewater treatment plant, for future bio sorbent114 Section 13: Marketing and management Daniela Geanina LUCA (COSOSCHI), Alina LUCA, Luminita Mihela LUPU, lonut Viorel HERGHILIGIU Analyze of Relationship Between the Intellectual Capital and The Stages of Acquisition Process of Organizational Knowledge115 Ion VERZEA, Gabriel-Petru LUCA, Rachid CHAIB, Adrian VÂLCU Conventional Work Units Breakeven Point Assessment in The Garment Industry116 Melissa Monika WAGNER, Antonela CURTEZA A Conceptual Study of The Romanian Ethical Fashion Consumer Decision Journey117 Catalin ALEXANDRU, Alexandru-Cosmin CIOCEA, Romeo-Mihai CIOBANU Real-Time Information System for Users of Bus Public Transport119 Manoj Kumar PARAS, Antonela CURTEZA, Rudrajeet PAL A State-of-The-Art Literature Review of Upcycling: A Clothing Industry Perspective121 Lidia ALEXA, Silvia AVASILCĂI, Marius PÂSLARU Social Media and the Fashion Industry a Conceptual Approach123 Gabriela RUSU, Silvia AVASILCAI Linking Employee Performance to Strategic Human Resource Management124 Adriana BUJOR, Silvia AVASILCAI The impact of fashion design to the European Union's Economy125 Elena GALATEANU (AVRAM), Silvia AVASILCAI Business Ecosystem Health: Linking Performance to Actors Roles126 Adriana ZAHARIA, Silvia AVASILCAI, Carmen-Aida HUTU The Role of Innovation in Competitive Advantage Achievement127 Mihaela DIACONU Trends of Obstacles to Innovation in Romanian Firms128 Dragoş-lonuţ ANGHELUŢĂ, Luminiţa Mihaela LUPU Research on Information Security Management130 Section 14: Engineering education Bogdan RUSU1,2, Mariana URSACHE1, Savin Dorin IONESI1,2, Luminiţa CIOBANU1, Manuela AVĂDANEI1, Maria Carmen LOGHIN1 Continuing Education for Romanian SMEs - Skills Gained Through E-learning131 Mariana URSACHE1, Bogdan RUSU1'2, Savin Dorin IONESI1,2, Luminiţa CIOBANU1, Manuela AVĂDANEI1, Maria Carmen LOGHIN1 Continuing Education for Romanian SMEs - Challenges for HEIs133 Carmen TITA Blended Learning as a New Approach to Education135 Adrian BUHU, Liliana BUHU How to Use H5P for Learning in Engineering?136 Mariana URSACHE, Savin Dorin IONESI, Luminiţa CIOBANU, Carmen Maria LOGHIN, Bogdan RUSU, Manuela AVADANEI, Dan DORIN and Emil LOGHIN TECLO PROJECT - “Textile and Clothing Managers for Export, Marketing, Innovation, Sustainability and Entrepreneurship Oriented Companies” - Results and FUTURE ACTIONS137 Mariana URSACHE, Carmen Maria LOGHIN, Manuela AVADANEI, Savin Dorin IONESI, Luminiţa CIOBANU, Irina IONESCU Developing New Skills for the Extroversion Specializations of Fashion Industry in Europe. EXTRO-SKILLS138
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