Europe a century after the end of the First World War (1918-2018)

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Editura Editura Academiei Române
Loc publicare București
An 2018
Subiect Istorie chat
Europa chat
Primul Război Mondial (1914-1918) chat
ISBN 9789732730102
Note Index
Bibliografie la sfârșit de capitol

94(4)/H78; C.III.12274

    Europe a century after the end of the First World War (1918-2018) / Ioan Horga, Alina Stoica ; Victor Spinei.- București : Editura Academiei Române , 2018.
    481 p..- (Centenarium ; 8).    
    Bibliografie la sfârșit de capitol
    CONTENTS Centenarium - A Programmatic Outline ( Victor Spinei, member of the Romanian Academy) 7 INTRODUCTORY STUDY Europe a Century after the End of the First World War (1918-2018) (loan Horga, Alina Stoica) 11 REFLECTIONS ON CHANGING THE EUROPEAN ORDER Consequences of the “Great War” (Andrei Marga)29 „L‘Europe politique dans la typologie des systèmes politiques. De la monarchie élective à la monarchie sans légitimité électorale {George Contogeorgis)39 Europe 100 Years from the First World War, but View from 10 to 10 Years (loan Horga) 55 The First World War and its Consequences on the European Colonial Territories of Africa: between Permanences and Ruptures {Renaud de la Brosse) 75 De la neutralité imposée à l’europanéité engagée {François Antoine) 87 Wilsonianism - a Secular Faith? {Igor Grdina)105 The Geopolitical Consequences of the First World War {Simion Roşea)119 From Abyss to Ressurection: Romania in the American Journals Analysis. The case of Frank H. Simonds and “New York Tribune” (1915-1918) {Emanuel Plopeanu)141 Belarusian Statehood in the Years of the First World War and the Revolution( 1914-1919) ( Viachaslau Menkouski)149 EUROPE IN FRONT OF POSTWAR CHANGE 1918-1919 - la question des nationalités vue par les historiens {Maria Manuela Tavares Ribeiro)167 The Great War and the Paris Peace Treaties in the History of International Relations {Robert Barta)181 La Conférence de paix de Paris (1919) et les “Droits des Minorités” {Carol Iancu)199 Treaties of Paris: from European (Political) Order to European Legal Order ( Vasile Cucerescu)............................................................................................213 Identity Revolution and Minority Emancipation: a Cause of the European Concert's Crash. Contemporary Analogies (Mircea Brie)................................225 (Dis)Continuities in State Policies towards ‘Gypsies’: the Case of Austria-Hungary and its Successor States ( Vita Zalar).................................................249 The Central and Eastern Europe and its Contribution to the European Order after the First World War. Economic aspects (Alina Stoica, Luminiţa Şoproni).......267 La paix et la stabilité dans l’espace européen du dernier siècle: les réalisations et les échecs de la diplomatie (Ludmila Roşea).................................................283 Vatican Media and the Changes after the First World War in Central and Eastern Europe (Alina-Maria Balaj)..............................................................................299 EUROPE FROM THE ORDER OF VERSAILLES TO THE NEW WORLD ORDER!? 60 Years of Cross-Border Cooperation in Europe: Reconciliation, Re-unification, Reconstruction and Rescaling (Nico Groenendijk)...........................................311 Russia as a Factor in the Central and Eastern European Member States’ Approaches towards the Post-Soviet Space: the Case of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Romania (Cristian Niţoiu)..............................................................323 “Minority treaties” Protection in the Interwar Period: its Contribution to Maintain the European Order after 1945 (Millón Requena Casanova).............347 From Arch-enmity (“Erbfeindschaft” “inimitié héréditaire”) to Lasting Friendship (Lutz Michael Büchner).....................................................................................367 L’Europe et la frontière (Paul Alliés)...........................................................................389 The Idea of United Europe: Altiero Spinelli and the Issue of European Unification (Cristina-Maria Dogot).....................................................................................403 The Actuality of de Gasperi’s Reflection in the European Defence Project (George-Gabriel Bologan)................................................................................431 The Role of Romanian Community from Hungary in Terms of Bilateral Romanian - Hungarian Relations (Florin Trandafir Vasiloni).........................441 MENA People Migration to Europe. Threats and Opportunities for the European Order (Alexandra-Mădălina Popa)...................................................................463 Index ...........................................................................................................................477.
    ISBN 9789732730102

    I Stoica, Alina
    II Spinei, Victor(prefațator)

    1. Istorie
    2. Europa
    3. Primul Război Mondial (1914-1918)


299 __ $aEurope a century after the end of the First World War (1918-2018)
975 __ $a192 $a(4)
200 __ $aEurope a century after the end of the First World War (1918-2018) $bCarte tipărită $fIoan Horga, Alina Stoica $gVictor Spinei
215 __ $a481 p.
225 __ $aCentenarium $v8
700 __ $aHORGA, IOAN
701 __ $aStoica, Alina
710 __ $aAcademia Română
300 __ $aIndex
300 __ $aBibliografie la sfârșit de capitol
702 __ $aSpinei, Victor $4prefațator
010 __ $a9789732730102
035 __ $a94(4)/H78
035 __ $aC.III.12274
675 __ $a94(4)”1918/2018”
686 __ $a929/94
606 __ $aIstorie
606 __ $aEuropa
606 __ $aPrimul Război Mondial (1914-1918)
101 __ $aeng
210 __ $aBucurești $cEditura Academiei Române $d2018
330 __ $aCONTENTS Centenarium - A Programmatic Outline ( Victor Spinei, member of the Romanian Academy) 7 INTRODUCTORY STUDY Europe a Century after the End of the First World War (1918-2018) (loan Horga, Alina Stoica) 11 REFLECTIONS ON CHANGING THE EUROPEAN ORDER Consequences of the “Great War” (Andrei Marga)29 „L‘Europe politique dans la typologie des systèmes politiques. De la monarchie élective à la monarchie sans légitimité électorale {George Contogeorgis)39 Europe 100 Years from the First World War, but View from 10 to 10 Years (loan Horga) 55 The First World War and its Consequences on the European Colonial Territories of Africa: between Permanences and Ruptures {Renaud de la Brosse) 75 De la neutralité imposée à l’europanéité engagée {François Antoine) 87 Wilsonianism - a Secular Faith? {Igor Grdina)105 The Geopolitical Consequences of the First World War {Simion Roşea)119 From Abyss to Ressurection: Romania in the American Journals Analysis. The case of Frank H. Simonds and “New York Tribune” (1915-1918) {Emanuel Plopeanu)141 Belarusian Statehood in the Years of the First World War and the Revolution( 1914-1919) ( Viachaslau Menkouski)149 EUROPE IN FRONT OF POSTWAR CHANGE 1918-1919 - la question des nationalités vue par les historiens {Maria Manuela Tavares Ribeiro)167 The Great War and the Paris Peace Treaties in the History of International Relations {Robert Barta)181 La Conférence de paix de Paris (1919) et les “Droits des Minorités” {Carol Iancu)199 Treaties of Paris: from European (Political) Order to European Legal Order ( Vasile Cucerescu)............................................................................................213 Identity Revolution and Minority Emancipation: a Cause of the European Concert's Crash. Contemporary Analogies (Mircea Brie)................................225 (Dis)Continuities in State Policies towards ‘Gypsies’: the Case of Austria-Hungary and its Successor States ( Vita Zalar).................................................249 The Central and Eastern Europe and its Contribution to the European Order after the First World War. Economic aspects (Alina Stoica, Luminiţa Şoproni).......267 La paix et la stabilité dans l’espace européen du dernier siècle: les réalisations et les échecs de la diplomatie (Ludmila Roşea).................................................283 Vatican Media and the Changes after the First World War in Central and Eastern Europe (Alina-Maria Balaj)..............................................................................299 EUROPE FROM THE ORDER OF VERSAILLES TO THE NEW WORLD ORDER!? 60 Years of Cross-Border Cooperation in Europe: Reconciliation, Re-unification, Reconstruction and Rescaling (Nico Groenendijk)...........................................311 Russia as a Factor in the Central and Eastern European Member States’ Approaches towards the Post-Soviet Space: the Case of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Romania (Cristian Niţoiu)..............................................................323 “Minority treaties” Protection in the Interwar Period: its Contribution to Maintain the European Order after 1945 (Millón Requena Casanova).............347 From Arch-enmity (“Erbfeindschaft” “inimitié héréditaire”) to Lasting Friendship (Lutz Michael Büchner).....................................................................................367 L’Europe et la frontière (Paul Alliés)...........................................................................389 The Idea of United Europe: Altiero Spinelli and the Issue of European Unification (Cristina-Maria Dogot).....................................................................................403 The Actuality of de Gasperi’s Reflection in the European Defence Project (George-Gabriel Bologan)................................................................................431 The Role of Romanian Community from Hungary in Terms of Bilateral Romanian - Hungarian Relations (Florin Trandafir Vasiloni).........................441 MENA People Migration to Europe. Threats and Opportunities for the European Order (Alexandra-Mădălina Popa)...................................................................463 Index ...........................................................................................................................477
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