Pasiunea textului

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Editura Universalia chat
Loc publicare New York
An 2003
Subiect Literatură universală chat
ISBN 9738603870

82.09/D13; C.II.42643

    Pasiunea textului / Theodor Damian ; prefață de Doina Uricariu.- New York ; București : Universalia , 2003.
    222 p..- (Sinteze).    
    CUPR1NS Scara care urca la cer, Cuvant inainte de Doina URICAR1U / 5 I FILOCALIIROMANO-AMERICANE Imperativul slujirii Teoctist, Patriarhul Bisericii Ortodoxe Romane, Pe treptele slujirii creștine, vol. VII, Editura Institutului Biblic și de Misiune al Bisericii Ortodoxe Romane, București, 1992,668 pp. / 9 Teologie și cultura la sfarșit de mileniu Pr. Prof. Dr. Dumitru Popescu, Hristos, Biserica, Societate, Ed. Institu¬tului Biblic §i de Misiune al Bisericii Ortodoxe Romane, București, 1998, 150 pp./11 Cuviosul Paisie de In Neamf Arhid. Prof. loan Ivan, Viața Cuviosului Paisie de la Neamf, ecul Invierii Doina Uricariu (ed.), Filocalia de la Prodromul, (cu un studiu introducti v de academician Virgil Candea), Editura Universalia, New York, 2001, vol.I, 680 pp., vol. II686 pp. / 33 Drumul spre Emaos Ion Murgeanu, Iisus, Editura Crater, Bucure§ti, 1999,176pp./45 Manastirile romane? ti Mihai Vlasie, Drumuri spre manastiri: Ghidal a^ezdmintelor monahale ortodoxe din Romania, Ed. Buna Vestire, Bacau, 1997,260 pp. / 49 IITEXTUL CA DAR Jurnalpatimit Lucia Olaru Nenati, Coridorul dintre ceasuri, Augusta, Timisoara, 2000, 178 pp./ 53 Anomalia normalului Gellu Dorian, Ca(avencii, Editura Timpul, Ia§i, 2001,296 pp. / 57 Mirarea poetului Liviu Pendefunda, Profetul la marginea imperiilor, Ed. Rao - Bucurejti, 470 pp. / 61 Emiaescu pi teatrul Grid Modorcea, Masca lui Eminescu, Editura Emin, Bucure$ti, 1999, 176 pp. / 63 IIITEXIlll cl /*/.( /»/ Dimensional minimi U /in I in /lot §erban < Andiom m ii. Iihilnyjl i'irti, < h inhi ,/»■ i/ih/iiI thn/i in artefi litcrntinii. !■«!..Kiitiiiiniii«l« niiliiii Ilm mi -;li, IWH. 340 pp. / 69 Simpozion ftiinfiflc romfuio-imicrlcnii Șrban Andronescu, Proceedings of the First Symposium. Referatcle Primului Simpozion, American Institute for Writing Research, New York, 1998,128pp./ 73 Moșenire romaneasca Vladimir Wertsman, Romanians in The United States and Canada: A Guide to Ancestry and Heritage Research, Heritage Quest from Pro Quest Company, North Salt Lake, Utah, 2002,226 pp. / 75 IVTEXTUL CA SLUJIRE Pasiunea traducerii Poezii alese/ Selected poems de Mihai Eminescu in traducerea lui Adrian George Sahlean, cu o prefata de Dumitru Radu Popa §i cu ilustratii de Mircea Dumitrescu, Editura Univers, Bucure§ti, 2000,152 pp. / 81 Gustati fi vedeti ca bun este Domnul Mihail Crama, Cina cea mare, Editura Albatros, Bucure?ti, 1998,142 pp. / 83 Privefte, vremea este aproape Gellu Dorian, Singur in fata lui Dumnezeu, Editura Augusta, Timisoara, 2001,112 pp. / 87 Moartea ca Inviere Gellu Dorian, Poesia mirabilis, Junimea, Ia$i, 1999,128 pp. / 93 Singuratatea pare mult mai frumoasa Gellu Dorian, Un poet la New York, Ed. Dacia, Cluj, Colectia „Poetii Urbei”, 2000,148 pp./97 Timpratacit Veronica Balaj, Ritualuri de scrib/The Rituals of the Scribe, Excelsior, Timisoara, 1999,116 pp., tradus in engleza de Antuza Genescu. /101 Se-aduna rstna Dorin Ploscaru, Flașneta, Libra, București, 2000,160 pp. /103 Intre cu vant și umbra Constantin Severin, Axolotul/The Axolotl, Editura „Mașna de Scris”, Bucureși, 1998,90 pp. /107 Spovedanie catre marele public Georges Dumitresco, Triptic, Ed. Viata Medicala Romaneasca, București, 1988,288 pp./109 Dincolo de intrebare LucretiaAndronic,referinte./ 111 Poeme intr-un ochi Ramona Manolescu, Sentimente galbene, Ed. Moldova, Iași, 1998, 72 pp. /113 TEXTUL CA MARTURISIRE The World: Present Condition and Ultimate Destiny Dumitru Staniloae, The Experience of God: Orthodox Dogmatic Theol-ogy, vol. II, The World: Creation and Deification, Holy Cross Orthodox Press, Brookline, Mass., 214 pp. /117 Dumitru Stilnilom- Joannnc Mock, lullnti Visum ,1 Konumum Anii ili tin Inin ilimit . I Inn Press of Colorado, 1997,318 pp./ i l' The Age o f Transition Romania in Transition, edited by Lavinia Stan, Dari mouth Publish ing Company, Aldershot, Brookfield USA, Singapore, Sydney, 1997, 218 pp./ 137 VI TEXTUL CA EXPERIENJA RELJGIOASA The Woman of Valor Jaroslav Pelikan, Mary through the Centuries: Her Place in the History of Culture, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1996, 270 pp./143 When God Embraces as Gently Megan McKenna, Mary, Mother of All Nations, illustrated with icons by William Hart McNichols, Orbis Books, Maryknoll, New York, 2000, 144 pp./145 The Trinitarian Alternative Philip Sheldrake, Spirituality and Theology: Christian Living and the Doctrine of God, Orbis Books, Maryknoll, New York, 1998, 244 pp. /147 The Grammar of the Trinity Michael Downey, Altogether Gift: A Trinitarian Spirituality, Orbis Books, New York, 2000,144 pp. /151 Theological retrospective William Madges, God and the World, Orbis Books, series „Christian texts in perspective”, Marknoll, New York, 1999,446 pp. / 155 Jesus Christ and the Poor Ion Sobrino, Christ the Liberator: A View from the Victims, translated from the Spanish by Paul Burns, Orbis Books, Maryknoll, New York, 2001,376 pp./159 The Evolution of Christian Thought Gillian T.W. Ahlgren, The Human Person and the Church, Orbis Books, series „Christian Texts in Perspective”, Maryknoll, New York, 1999, 284 pp./163 Reorganizing Christian Theology Justo L. Gonzalez, Christian Thought Revisited: Three Types of Theo-logy, Orbis Books, Maryknoll, New York, 1999,176 pp./ 167 Intelligo ut cr.edam Ray Pritchard, What a Christian Believes: An Easy to Read Guide to Understanding, Crossway Books, Wheaton, Illinois, 1998,160 pp. / 171 Living Together: Theology and the Social Sciences Theology and the Social Sciences, edited by Michael Horace Barnes, The annual publication of The College Theology Society, 2000, vol. 46, Orbis Books, Maryknoll, New York 2001,318 pp. / 175 The Greatest Question Spiritual Questions for the Twenty-First Century: Essays in Honor of Joan D. Chittistei; ed. by Mary Hembrow Snyder, Orbis Books, Maryknoll, New York, 2001,192 pp. /179 Women’s Prcscm Mery T. Maluns, Woman Violence is Illusion of lihcmdou Ren6 Girard, I Sec Salem ball Like Lightning, Inin,slated from I 'Vendi and with a Foreword by James G. Williams, Orbis Books, New York, Novalis, Gracewing, 2000,200 pp. / 187 Intellectual Conservatism, Political Correctness George H. Nash, The Conservative Intellectual Movement in America since 1945 (second edition), Intercollegiate Studies Institute, Wilmington, Delaware, 1998,467 pp. /191 Bonhoeffer the Martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Selected Witings, with an introduction by Robert Coles, Orbis Books, Maryknoll, NY, series „Modern Spiritual Masters,” 1998,128pp./195 Simone Weil: The Longing for God Simone Weil, Selected Writings with an introduction by Eric O. Springstead, Orbis Books, Maryknoll, New York, series „Modern Spiri¬tual Masters,” 1998,144 pp. / 199 Immersed in God Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Selected Writings with an introduction by Ursula King, Orbis Books Publishing House, Maryknoll, New York, Se¬ries „Modern Spiritual Masters”, 1999,176 pp. / 20! The Sweetness of Solitude Charles de Foucauld, Selected Writings with an introduction by Robert Ellsberg, Orbis Books, Maryknoll, New York, series „Modern Spiritual Masters”, 1999,128 pp./205 From the House ofFesr to the House of Love Henri Nouwen, Selected Writings with an introduction by Robert A. Jones, Orbis Books, Maryknoll, New York, Series „Modem Spiritual Mas¬ters”, 1998,121 pp./207 Theodor Damian, scfaita bio-bibliografica. / 211.
    ISBN 9738603870

    I Uricariu, Doina(prefaţator)

    1. Literatură universală


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210 __ $aNew York $aBucurești $cUniversalia $d2003
215 __ $a222 p.
225 __ $aSinteze
330 __ $aCUPR1NS Scara care urca la cer, Cuvant inainte de Doina URICAR1U / 5 I FILOCALIIROMANO-AMERICANE Imperativul slujirii Teoctist, Patriarhul Bisericii Ortodoxe Romane, Pe treptele slujirii creștine, vol. VII, Editura Institutului Biblic și de Misiune al Bisericii Ortodoxe Romane, București, 1992,668 pp. / 9 Teologie și cultura la sfarșit de mileniu Pr. Prof. Dr. Dumitru Popescu, Hristos, Biserica, Societate, Ed. Institu¬tului Biblic §i de Misiune al Bisericii Ortodoxe Romane, București, 1998, 150 pp./11 Cuviosul Paisie de In Neamf Arhid. Prof. loan Ivan, Viața Cuviosului Paisie de la Neamf, ecul Invierii Doina Uricariu (ed.), Filocalia de la Prodromul, (cu un studiu introducti v de academician Virgil Candea), Editura Universalia, New York, 2001, vol.I, 680 pp., vol. II686 pp. / 33 Drumul spre Emaos Ion Murgeanu, Iisus, Editura Crater, Bucure§ti, 1999,176pp./45 Manastirile romane? ti Mihai Vlasie, Drumuri spre manastiri: Ghidal a^ezdmintelor monahale ortodoxe din Romania, Ed. Buna Vestire, Bacau, 1997,260 pp. / 49 IITEXTUL CA DAR Jurnalpatimit Lucia Olaru Nenati, Coridorul dintre ceasuri, Augusta, Timisoara, 2000, 178 pp./ 53 Anomalia normalului Gellu Dorian, Ca(avencii, Editura Timpul, Ia§i, 2001,296 pp. / 57 Mirarea poetului Liviu Pendefunda, Profetul la marginea imperiilor, Ed. Rao - Bucurejti, 470 pp. / 61 Emiaescu pi teatrul Grid Modorcea, Masca lui Eminescu, Editura Emin, Bucure$ti, 1999, 176 pp. / 63 IIITEXIlll cl /*/.( /»/ Dimensional minimi U /in I in /lot §erban < Andiom m ii. Iihilnyjl i'irti, < h inhi ,/»■ i/ih/iiI thn/i in artefi litcrntinii. !■«!..Kiitiiiiniii«l« niiliiii Ilm mi -;li, IWH. 340 pp. / 69 Simpozion ftiinfiflc romfuio-imicrlcnii Șrban Andronescu, Proceedings of the First Symposium. Referatcle Primului Simpozion, American Institute for Writing Research, New York, 1998,128pp./ 73 Moșenire romaneasca Vladimir Wertsman, Romanians in The United States and Canada: A Guide to Ancestry and Heritage Research, Heritage Quest from Pro Quest Company, North Salt Lake, Utah, 2002,226 pp. / 75 IVTEXTUL CA SLUJIRE Pasiunea traducerii Poezii alese/ Selected poems de Mihai Eminescu in traducerea lui Adrian George Sahlean, cu o prefata de Dumitru Radu Popa §i cu ilustratii de Mircea Dumitrescu, Editura Univers, Bucure§ti, 2000,152 pp. / 81 Gustati fi vedeti ca bun este Domnul Mihail Crama, Cina cea mare, Editura Albatros, Bucure?ti, 1998,142 pp. / 83 Privefte, vremea este aproape Gellu Dorian, Singur in fata lui Dumnezeu, Editura Augusta, Timisoara, 2001,112 pp. / 87 Moartea ca Inviere Gellu Dorian, Poesia mirabilis, Junimea, Ia$i, 1999,128 pp. / 93 Singuratatea pare mult mai frumoasa Gellu Dorian, Un poet la New York, Ed. Dacia, Cluj, Colectia „Poetii Urbei”, 2000,148 pp./97 Timpratacit Veronica Balaj, Ritualuri de scrib/The Rituals of the Scribe, Excelsior, Timisoara, 1999,116 pp., tradus in engleza de Antuza Genescu. /101 Se-aduna rstna Dorin Ploscaru, Flașneta, Libra, București, 2000,160 pp. /103 Intre cu vant și umbra Constantin Severin, Axolotul/The Axolotl, Editura „Mașna de Scris”, Bucureși, 1998,90 pp. /107 Spovedanie catre marele public Georges Dumitresco, Triptic, Ed. Viata Medicala Romaneasca, București, 1988,288 pp./109 Dincolo de intrebare LucretiaAndronic,referinte./ 111 Poeme intr-un ochi Ramona Manolescu, Sentimente galbene, Ed. Moldova, Iași, 1998, 72 pp. /113 TEXTUL CA MARTURISIRE The World: Present Condition and Ultimate Destiny Dumitru Staniloae, The Experience of God: Orthodox Dogmatic Theol-ogy, vol. II, The World: Creation and Deification, Holy Cross Orthodox Press, Brookline, Mass., 214 pp. /117 Dumitru Stilnilom- Joannnc Mock, lullnti Visum ,1 Konumum Anii ili tin Inin ilimit . I Inn Press of Colorado, 1997,318 pp./ i l' The Age o f Transition Romania in Transition, edited by Lavinia Stan, Dari mouth Publish ing Company, Aldershot, Brookfield USA, Singapore, Sydney, 1997, 218 pp./ 137 VI TEXTUL CA EXPERIENJA RELJGIOASA The Woman of Valor Jaroslav Pelikan, Mary through the Centuries: Her Place in the History of Culture, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1996, 270 pp./143 When God Embraces as Gently Megan McKenna, Mary, Mother of All Nations, illustrated with icons by William Hart McNichols, Orbis Books, Maryknoll, New York, 2000, 144 pp./145 The Trinitarian Alternative Philip Sheldrake, Spirituality and Theology: Christian Living and the Doctrine of God, Orbis Books, Maryknoll, New York, 1998, 244 pp. /147 The Grammar of the Trinity Michael Downey, Altogether Gift: A Trinitarian Spirituality, Orbis Books, New York, 2000,144 pp. /151 Theological retrospective William Madges, God and the World, Orbis Books, series „Christian texts in perspective”, Marknoll, New York, 1999,446 pp. / 155 Jesus Christ and the Poor Ion Sobrino, Christ the Liberator: A View from the Victims, translated from the Spanish by Paul Burns, Orbis Books, Maryknoll, New York, 2001,376 pp./159 The Evolution of Christian Thought Gillian T.W. Ahlgren, The Human Person and the Church, Orbis Books, series „Christian Texts in Perspective”, Maryknoll, New York, 1999, 284 pp./163 Reorganizing Christian Theology Justo L. Gonzalez, Christian Thought Revisited: Three Types of Theo-logy, Orbis Books, Maryknoll, New York, 1999,176 pp./ 167 Intelligo ut cr.edam Ray Pritchard, What a Christian Believes: An Easy to Read Guide to Understanding, Crossway Books, Wheaton, Illinois, 1998,160 pp. / 171 Living Together: Theology and the Social Sciences Theology and the Social Sciences, edited by Michael Horace Barnes, The annual publication of The College Theology Society, 2000, vol. 46, Orbis Books, Maryknoll, New York 2001,318 pp. / 175 The Greatest Question Spiritual Questions for the Twenty-First Century: Essays in Honor of Joan D. Chittistei; ed. by Mary Hembrow Snyder, Orbis Books, Maryknoll, New York, 2001,192 pp. /179 Women’s Prcscm Mery T. Maluns, Woman Violence is Illusion of lihcmdou Ren6 Girard, I Sec Salem ball Like Lightning, Inin,slated from I 'Vendi and with a Foreword by James G. Williams, Orbis Books, New York, Novalis, Gracewing, 2000,200 pp. / 187 Intellectual Conservatism, Political Correctness George H. Nash, The Conservative Intellectual Movement in America since 1945 (second edition), Intercollegiate Studies Institute, Wilmington, Delaware, 1998,467 pp. /191 Bonhoeffer the Martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Selected Witings, with an introduction by Robert Coles, Orbis Books, Maryknoll, NY, series „Modern Spiritual Masters,” 1998,128pp./195 Simone Weil: The Longing for God Simone Weil, Selected Writings with an introduction by Eric O. Springstead, Orbis Books, Maryknoll, New York, series „Modern Spiri¬tual Masters,” 1998,144 pp. / 199 Immersed in God Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Selected Writings with an introduction by Ursula King, Orbis Books Publishing House, Maryknoll, New York, Se¬ries „Modern Spiritual Masters”, 1999,176 pp. / 20! The Sweetness of Solitude Charles de Foucauld, Selected Writings with an introduction by Robert Ellsberg, Orbis Books, Maryknoll, New York, series „Modern Spiritual Masters”, 1999,128 pp./205 From the House ofFesr to the House of Love Henri Nouwen, Selected Writings with an introduction by Robert A. Jones, Orbis Books, Maryknoll, New York, Series „Modem Spiritual Mas¬ters”, 1998,121 pp./207 Theodor Damian, scfaita bio-bibliografica. / 211
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