The american trap : my battle to expose America's secret economic war against the rest of the world

Autor chat
Editura Hodder & Soughton chat
Loc publicare London
An 2019
Subiect Economie internaţională chat
Sabotaj economic chat
Război economic chat
ISBN 9781529326864
Note Appendices


    The american trap : my battle to expose America's secret economic war against the rest of the world / Frederic Pierucci with Matthieu Aron ; translated from French by Deniz Gulan.- London : Hodder & Soughton , 2019.
    XIII, 321 p..    
    ISBN 9781529326864

    I Aron, Matthieu
    II Gulan, Deniz(traducător)

    1. Economie internaţională
    2. Sabotaj economic
    3. Război economic


299 __ $aThe american trap : my battle to expose America's secret economic war against the rest of the world
955 __ $a1
200 __ $aThe american trap $emy battle to expose America's secret economic war against the rest of the world $fFrederic Pierucci with Matthieu Aron $gtranslated from French by Deniz Gulan $bCarte tipărită
701 __ $aAron, Matthieu
702 __ $aGulan, Deniz $4traducător
010 __ $a9781529326864
035 __ $a33/P64
675 __ $a347.7:339.9
686 __ $a33
606 __ $aEconomie internaţională
606 __ $aSabotaj economic
606 __ $aRăzboi economic
101 __ $aeng
102 __ $aUnited Kingdom
210 __ $aLondon $cHodder & Soughton $d2019
215 __ $aXIII, 321 p.
300 __ $aAppendices
Barcode/Nr. Inventar Număr/Ediție Localizare Regim resursa Disponibil Cota
1. 607386 / 607386 CS Împrumut Da 33
Gestiune Regim imprumut Ex. Acțiune
CS Împrumut 1

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