The Arabian Nights : Based on the text of the Fourteenth-Century Syrian vol. 1

Editura Everyman chat
Loc publicare Londra
An 1992
Subiect Folclor arab (t)
ISBN 1857150872


    The Arabian Nights : Based on the text of the Fourteenth-Century Syrian : Manuscript.- Londra : Everyman , 1992.
    XXXIV,428p.,h..- (The Millennium Library).
    ISBN 1857150872

    I Mahdi Muhsin(ediţie)
    II Haddawy Hussain(traducere)

    1. Folclor arab (t)


010 __ $a1857150872
035 __ $a 821-91
101 __ $aENGL
200 __ $aThe Arabian Nights $eBased on the text of the Fourteenth-Century Syrian $hvol. 1
200 __ $eManuscript
210 __ $aLondra $cEveryman $d1992
215 __ $aXXXIV,428p.,h.
225 __ $aThe Millennium Library
299 __ $aThe Arabian Nights : Based on the text of the Fourteenth-Century Syrian vol. 1
606 __ $aFolclor arab (t)
675 __ $a82F92.7-34
686 __ $a821-91
702 __ $4ediţie $aMahdi Muhsin
702 __ $4traducere $aHaddawy Hussain
920 __ $a42735
Barcode/Nr. Inventar Număr/Ediție Localizare Regim resursa Disponibil Cota
1. 359714 / 359714 CS Împrumut Da 821-91
Gestiune Regim imprumut Ex. Acțiune
CS Împrumut 1

Disponibile: 1

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