Autor | SURUIANU, CARMEN chat |
Editura | Lucas chat |
Loc publicare | Brăila |
An | 2015 |
Subiect | Literatură română (t) chat |
Eseu (literatură) (t) chat | |
ISBN | 9786068713243 |
Note | Bibliogr. p.716-733 |
Titlu | |
Titlu | The Burning Pyre = Casa aripilor frânte : the house of broken wings |
[nedefinit] | 1 |
Titlu / Menţiuni de responsabilitate | |
Titlu | The Burning Pyre |
Titlu paralel propriu-zis | Casa aripilor frânte |
Alte informaţii la titlu | the house of broken wings |
Prima menţ. de resp. | Camelia Suruianu |
Urm. menţ. de responsabilitate | traducere de Oana Celia Gheorghiu şi Maria Aciobăniţei |
Desemnarea gen. a materialului | Carte tipărită |
Nume de persoană / resp. intelectuală primară | |
Autor principal | SURUIANU, CARMEN |
Nume de persoană / resp. intelectuală secundară | |
Autor secundar | Gheorghiu, Oana Celia |
Cod de legătură | traducător |
Autor secundar | Aciobăniţei, Maria |
Cod de legătură | traducător |
ISBN | |
Număr ISBN | 9786068713243 |
Alt sistem de control al numerelor | |
Cotă | 821ro/S95 |
Număr (indice) CZU | |
Număr (indice) CZU | 821.135.1-4=111 |
Alte clasificări | |
Alte clasificări - Numărul clasei | 821.135.1 |
Vedetă de subiect ca subiect | |
Subiect | Literatură română (t) |
Eseu (literatură) (t) | |
Limba resursei | |
Limba textului | eng |
Ţara de publicare sau producţie | |
Ţara de publicare | Romania |
Publicare, distribuţie | |
Loc publicare | Brăila |
Editura | Lucas |
Data publicării | 2015 |
Descriere fizică | |
Desemnarea specifica a mat. | 733 p. |
Notă generală | |
Textul notei | Bibliogr. p.716-733 |
Notă de rezumat/abstract | |
Abstract/Sumar | CONTENTS ARGUMENT p. 12 Chapter I 1.1.Elements of historiography p. 16 1.1.a.Metropolitan Tit SIMEDREA and the Symposium of Chernovtsy p. 16 1.1.b.Tit SIMEDREA - The Metropolitan decorated post-mortem with the title Righteous among the Nations p. 31 1.1.c.Literary Circles Preliminary to the Burning Pyre p. 33 1.1.d.Antim Monastery, a Continuation of Saint Catherine Monastery p. 35 1.1.e.The 'Zoi' Brotherhood, a Possible Model for the Cultural Group Gathered at Antim p. 39 11.1.The cultural activity of Rugul Aprins [The Burning Pyre] p. 41 II. 1.a. Rugul Aprins [The Burning Pyre] - A symbol of Romanian hesychasm p. 56 II.1.b.The members of Rugul Aprins [The Burning Pyre] through the eyes of those who knew them p. 60 II.1.c.The suspension of the cultural conferences held at Antim and the small literary circle in Barbu SLATINEANU'S house p. 76 II.1.d.The last twitch at Rarau Monastery p. 81 II.1.e.A few considerations on Rugul Aprins [The Burning Pyre] p. 87 Chapter II l.The Life and Activity of the Men of Culture within the Burning Pyre Group p. 92 I.1.SANDU TUDOR I.1.a.Sandu TUDOR - life and works chronology p. 93 I.1.b.Money, Politics and Journalists in the Interwar Romanian Press p. 114 I.1.c.Sandu TUDOR and 'Floarea de Foe' [The Fiery Flower] p. 127 I.1.d.Sandu TUDOR and the troublesome pen p. 129 Prolog pentru ceasul acesta [Prologue for This Hour] Idolul cu inima coclită [The Idol with the Aeruginous Heart] Grăsunul bârfăreţ [The Gossipy Fatty] I.1.e.Journalism - a civic attitude p. 150 I.1.f.'Credinţa' [The Faith] - an independent journal of political and spiritual fight p. 158 I.1.g.The prayer as a means of poetic communication p. 166 I.1.h.What Is Man? - In Father Daniil Sandu Tudor's View p. 174 II.1. Alexandru MIRONESCU II.1.a.Timeline of life and work p. 192 II.1.b.Alexandru MIRONESCU's Journalistic Work p. 205 A scientific moment Religious essays Perspectives on history The national spirit An existentialist meditation Another scientific moment II.1.e.The Limits of Scientific Knowledge p. 238 II.1.d. Brief Overview and Evaluation of the Literary Work p. 256 The Essays Kairos. Essay on the Theology of History - a brief existential meditation The Way of the Heart. Essays in the Spirit of the Burning Pyre Alexandru II.1.e.MIRONESCU’s prison experience p. 266 II.1.f.Alexandru MIRONESCU's religious poetry p. 289 III.1.Paul STERIAN III.1.b. The Hazard of Paul STERIAN's Life p. 301 III.1.c.A critical assessment of Paul STERIAN's work p. 328 The akatist of Saint Paraskeva Pregătiri pentru călătoria din urmă [Preparations for the Last Journey] III.1.d. Paul STERIAN's War' with His Own Aestheticism p. 358 III.1.e. Paul STERIAN’s Analysis of Romanian Economy p. 379 Romania in the European context The movements of world economy Romania in the context of the age Symptoms of economic recessions Applicability of economic semiology to the Romanian space IV.I.Vasile VOICULESCU IV.I.a. A Timeline of his Life and Work p. 412 IV.l.b. Vasile VOICULESCU's Poetry in the Mystical Literature Context p. 414 Critical Reception Călătorie spre centrul inimii [Journey to the centre of the heart] IV.l.c. Ultimele sonete închipuite ale lui W. Shakespeare în traducere imaginară de Vasile Voiculescu [The Last Fancied Sonnets by W. Shakespeare in Vasile Voiculescu's Imaginary Translation] - the literary fruit of the hesychast experience p. 439 IV.l.d. Zahei orbul[Zahei the Blind] p. 453 V.l. Ion Marin SADOVEANU V.l.a. The Chronology of His Life and Work p. 491 V.l.b. Ion Marin SADOVEANU - playwright p. 536 Metamorfoze [Metamorphoses] Anno Domini Molima [The Plague] Pelican Bar V.l.c.Ion Marin SADOVEANU - Theoretician of Romanian Theatre p. 582 Drama and Religious Theatre in the Middle Ages Drama reviews Lecturer Radio interviews VI.l.Bartolomeu Valeriu ANANIA VI.l.a. Preamble p. 621 VI.b. A timeline of his life and work p. 623 VI.I.c. The connection with Rugul Aprins [The Burning Pyre] p. 632 Vl.l.d. Mioriţa - the history of the manuscript p. 637 VI.I.e. Mioriţa - a dramatic poem within the framework of mystical literature p. 650 Aesthetic aspects Chapter III I.The Social and Political Context of the Eradication of the Burning Pyre p. 665 II.The Moving of the Monastic Group The Burning Pyre from Antim to Neamţ Monastery p. 670 III.The First Sentencing of Sandu TUDOR p. 674 IV.The Exemplary Punishment Given to the Leader of the Burning Pyre p. 678 V.Poetry, Vasile Voiculescu’s Serious Offence p. 691 VI.1996 - Reparation of a Judicial Error p. 706 CONCLUSIONS p. 708 |
Barcode/Nr. Inventar | Număr/Ediție | Localizare | Regim resursa | Disponibil | Cota | |
1. | 594912 / 594912 | CS | Împrumut | Da | 821ro |
Gestiune | Regim imprumut | Ex. | Acțiune |
CS | Împrumut | 1 |