The hidden dimension

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Editura Anchor Books chat
Loc publicare New York
An 1990
Subiect Antropologie chat
Arhitectură chat
Spațiu chat
Aspecte psihologice chat
Aspecte sociale chat
ISBN 0385084765
Note Index
Bibliogr. p. 197-208


    The hidden dimension / Edward T. Hall.- New York : Anchor Books , 1990.
    XIII, 219 p., [8] f. fotogr. : fig..    
    Bibliogr. p. 197-208
    CONTENTS AUTHOR’S PREFACE I.CULTURE AS COMMUNICATION II.DISTANCE REGULATION IN ANIMALS 10 Spacing Mechanisms in Animals Flight Distance Critical Distance Contact and Non-Contact Species Personal Distance Social Distance Population Control The Stickleback Sequence Malthus Reconsidered The Die-off on James Island Predation and Population III.CROWDING AND SOCIAL BEHAVIOR IN ANIMALS 23 Calhoun’s Experiments Design of the Experiment Development of the Sink Courting and Sex Nest Building Care of the Young Territoriality and Social Organization Physiological Consequences of the Sink Aggressive Behavior The Sink that Didn’t Develop Summary of Calhoun’s Experiments The Biochemistry of Crowding32 Exocrinology33 The Sugar-Bank Model34 The Adrenals and Stress35 The Uses of Stress39 IV.PERCEPTION OF SPACE: DISTANCE RECEPTORS—EYES, EARS, AND NOSE41 Visual and Auditory Space42 Olfactory Space45 The Chemical Basis of Olfaction46 Olfaction in Humans49 V.PERCEPTION OF SPACE: IMMEDIATE RECEPTORS—SKIN AND MUSCLES51 Hidden Zones in American Offices52 Thermal Space54 Tactile Space60 VI.VISUAL SPACE65 Vision as Synthesis66 The Seeing Mechanism70 Stereoscopic Vision73 VII.ART AS A CLUE TO PERCEPTION77 Contrast of Contemporary Cultures79 Art as a History of Perception80 VIH.THE LANGUAGE OF SPACE91 Literature as a Key to Perception94 DCTHE ANTHROPOLOGY OF SPACE: AN ORGANIZING MODEL101 Fixed-Feature Space103 Semifixed-Feature Space108 Informal Space111 X.DISTANCES IN MAN113 The Dynamism of Space114 Intimate Distance116 Personal Distance119 Social Distance121 Public Distance123 Why “Four” Distances?125 XI.PROXEMICS IN A CROSS-CULTURAL CONTEXT: GERMANS, ENGLISH, AND FRENCH131 The Germans131 Germans and Intrusions132 The “Private Sphere”134 Order in Space136 The English138 Using the Telephone140 Neighbors141 Whose Room Is the Bedroom?142 Talking Loud and Soft142 Eye Behavior143 The French144 Home and Family144 French Use of Open Spaces146 The Star and the Grid146 XII.PROXEMICS IN A CROSS-CULTURAL CONTEXT: JAPAN AND THE ARAB WORLD149 Japan149 How Crowded Is Crowded?152 The Japanese Concept of Space Including the Ma152 The Arab World154 Behavior in Public154 Concepts of Privacy157 Arab Personal Distances159 Facing and Not Facing160 Involvement162 Feelings about Enclosed Spaces162 Boundaries163 XIII.CITIES AND CULTURE165 The Need for Controls167 Psychology and Architecture169 Pathology and Overcrowding171 Monochronic and Polychronic Time173 The Automobile Syndrome174 Contained Community Buildings177 Prospectus for City Planning of the Future 178 XIV.PROXEMICS AND THE FUTURE OF MAN181 Form vs. Function, Content vs. Structure182 Man’s Biological Past184 The Need for Answers186 You Can’t Shed Culture188 APPENDIX191 Summary of James Gibson’s Thirteen Varieties of Perspective as Abstracted from The Perception of the Visual World BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES197 INDEX209.
    ISBN 0385084765

    1. Antropologie
    2. Arhitectură
    3. Spațiu
    4. Aspecte psihologice
    5. Aspecte sociale


299 __ $aThe hidden dimension
955 __ $a1
200 __ $aThe hidden dimension $fEdward T. Hall $bCarte tipărită
700 __ $aHALL, EDWARD T.
010 __ $a0385084765
035 __ $a57/59/H18
675 __ $a572.02
675 __ $a72.01
686 __ $a55/59
606 __ $aAntropologie
606 __ $aArhitectură
606 __ $aSpațiu
606 __ $aAspecte psihologice
606 __ $aAspecte sociale
101 __ $aeng
102 __ $aUnited States
215 __ $aXIII, 219 p., [8] f. fotogr. $cfig.
210 __ $aNew York $cAnchor Books $d1990
300 __ $aIndex
300 __ $aBibliogr. p. 197-208
330 __ $aCONTENTS AUTHOR’S PREFACE I.CULTURE AS COMMUNICATION II.DISTANCE REGULATION IN ANIMALS 10 Spacing Mechanisms in Animals Flight Distance Critical Distance Contact and Non-Contact Species Personal Distance Social Distance Population Control The Stickleback Sequence Malthus Reconsidered The Die-off on James Island Predation and Population III.CROWDING AND SOCIAL BEHAVIOR IN ANIMALS 23 Calhoun’s Experiments Design of the Experiment Development of the Sink Courting and Sex Nest Building Care of the Young Territoriality and Social Organization Physiological Consequences of the Sink Aggressive Behavior The Sink that Didn’t Develop Summary of Calhoun’s Experiments The Biochemistry of Crowding32 Exocrinology33 The Sugar-Bank Model34 The Adrenals and Stress35 The Uses of Stress39 IV.PERCEPTION OF SPACE: DISTANCE RECEPTORS—EYES, EARS, AND NOSE41 Visual and Auditory Space42 Olfactory Space45 The Chemical Basis of Olfaction46 Olfaction in Humans49 V.PERCEPTION OF SPACE: IMMEDIATE RECEPTORS—SKIN AND MUSCLES51 Hidden Zones in American Offices52 Thermal Space54 Tactile Space60 VI.VISUAL SPACE65 Vision as Synthesis66 The Seeing Mechanism70 Stereoscopic Vision73 VII.ART AS A CLUE TO PERCEPTION77 Contrast of Contemporary Cultures79 Art as a History of Perception80 VIH.THE LANGUAGE OF SPACE91 Literature as a Key to Perception94 DCTHE ANTHROPOLOGY OF SPACE: AN ORGANIZING MODEL101 Fixed-Feature Space103 Semifixed-Feature Space108 Informal Space111 X.DISTANCES IN MAN113 The Dynamism of Space114 Intimate Distance116 Personal Distance119 Social Distance121 Public Distance123 Why “Four” Distances?125 XI.PROXEMICS IN A CROSS-CULTURAL CONTEXT: GERMANS, ENGLISH, AND FRENCH131 The Germans131 Germans and Intrusions132 The “Private Sphere”134 Order in Space136 The English138 Using the Telephone140 Neighbors141 Whose Room Is the Bedroom?142 Talking Loud and Soft142 Eye Behavior143 The French144 Home and Family144 French Use of Open Spaces146 The Star and the Grid146 XII.PROXEMICS IN A CROSS-CULTURAL CONTEXT: JAPAN AND THE ARAB WORLD149 Japan149 How Crowded Is Crowded?152 The Japanese Concept of Space Including the Ma152 The Arab World154 Behavior in Public154 Concepts of Privacy157 Arab Personal Distances159 Facing and Not Facing160 Involvement162 Feelings about Enclosed Spaces162 Boundaries163 XIII.CITIES AND CULTURE165 The Need for Controls167 Psychology and Architecture169 Pathology and Overcrowding171 Monochronic and Polychronic Time173 The Automobile Syndrome174 Contained Community Buildings177 Prospectus for City Planning of the Future 178 XIV.PROXEMICS AND THE FUTURE OF MAN181 Form vs. Function, Content vs. Structure182 Man’s Biological Past184 The Need for Answers186 You Can’t Shed Culture188 APPENDIX191 Summary of James Gibson’s Thirteen Varieties of Perspective as Abstracted from The Perception of the Visual World BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES197 INDEX209
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