The Little Book of Jokes for Kids of All Ages

Editura Zymurgy Publishing chat
Loc publicare Newcastle upon Tyne
An 2022
Subiect Carte pentru copii (t) chat
Umor chat
ISBN 9781903506318


    The Little Book of Jokes for Kids of All Ages / Malcolm Binks, Jack Burness, Ian Davison, ....- Newcastle upon Tyne : Zymurgy Publishing , 2022.
    128 p..
    ISBN 9781903506318

    I Binks, Malcolm(colaboator)
    II Burness, Jack(colaborator)
    III Davison, Ian(colaboator)

    1. Carte pentru copii (t)
    2. Umor


299 __ $aThe Little Book of Jokes for Kids of All Ages
975 __ $a821.111 $a-93
955 __ $a1
200 __ $aThe Little Book of Jokes for Kids of All Ages $bCarte tipărită $fMalcolm Binks, Jack Burness, Ian Davison, ...
702 __ $4colaboator $aBinks, Malcolm
702 __ $4colaborator $aBurness, Jack
702 __ $4colaboator $aDavison, Ian
010 __ $a9781903506318
035 __ $a82-82/T49
675 __ $a821.111-93-7
686 __ $a821 $aT
606 __ $aCarte pentru copii (t)
606 __ $aUmor
101 __ $aeng
102 __ $aUnited Kingdom
210 __ $aNewcastle upon Tyne $cZymurgy Publishing $d2022
215 __ $a128 p.
Barcode/Nr. Inventar Număr/Ediție Localizare Regim resursa Disponibil Cota
1. 600764 / 600764 CS Împrumut Da 82-82
Gestiune Regim imprumut Ex. Acțiune
CS Împrumut 1

Disponibile: 1

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