The new poetry

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Loc publicare Harmondsworth
An 1976
Subiect Literatură engleză (t) chat
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Note Index


    The new poetry.- Harmondsworth : Penguin Books Ltd. , 1976.
    247 p..    
    Prefatory Note17 Preface to the Revised Edition 1 Acknowledgements Introduction: The New Poetry, or Beyond the Gentility Principle21 THE AMERICANS JOHN BERRYMAN (b. 1914) is from Oklahoma, and has taught at Harvard and Princeton. As well as poems he has written short stories and a biography of Stephen Crane. The Statue33 The Moon and the Night and the Men 35 The Ball Poem36 The Song of the Tortured Girl 37 Whether there is Sorrow in the Demons 37 New Year's Eve38 from Homage to Mistress Bradstreet41 ROBERT LOWELL (b. 1917) is a Bostonian and Pulitzer Prize winner. He has published several books of poetry, and has been widely noticed in Great Britain. The Quaker Graveyard in Nantucket 43 France47 Mr Edwards and the Spider 48 Waking in the Blue 49 Man and Wife51 ”To Speak of the Woe that is in Marriage”52 Skunk Hour52 ANNE SEXTON (b. 1928) lives in Massachusetts with her hus¬band and two daughters. She began to write in 1957 and has published two books of poetry, To Bedlam and Part Way Back and All my Pretty Ones. She is now working with the theatre on a Ford Foundation Fellowship. A selection of her poetry, Selected Poems, has been published in England. You, Doctor Martin55 Elizabeth Gone56 Her Kind 57 The Abortion 58 For God While Sleeping 59 Old60 SYLVIA PLATH (1932-63) lived in Boston until 1955. Then she carne to Newnham College, Cambridge, where she met Ted Hughes, whom she married in 1956. As well as her books of poetry, The Colossus and Ariel, she published a noyel, The Bell Jar. Lady Lazarus61 Daddy64 The Moon and the Yew Tree66 The Arrival of the Bee Box67 The Swarm69 Childless Woman71 Mary's Song72 THE BRITISH NORMAN MACCAIG (6. 1910) is a schoolmaster. His publications include Riding Lights, The Sinai Sort and A Common Grace. Particular You73 Gifts74 Feeding Ducks74 Spate in Winter Midnight75 Mutual Life76 R. S. THOMAS (b. 1913) is vicar of Eglwys Fach, Cardiganshire. He won the Royal Society of Literature's Heinemann Award with his first collected volume of poems, and has since pub¬lished two further collections. A Peasant77 The Welsh Hill Country77 Welsh Landscape78 Song at the Year's Turning79 January80 Evans80 A Blackbird Singing 80 On a Line in Sandburg 81 Here82 Walter Llywarch82 D. J. ENRIGHT (b. 1920) is at present Professor of English in the University of Malaya, Singapore. Publications include three books of verse, three novels, a book on Japan, and a collection of literary criticism. Sightseeing84 A Polished Performance84 The Poor Wake Up Quickly85 The Noodle-Vendor's Flute86 The Proper Due87 Saying No88 The Quagga88 The Laughing Hyena, by Hokusai90 On the Death of a Child91 Apocalypse91 DONALD DAVIE (b. 1922) has lived and taught in Dublin (ftom 1950 to 1957), and, since 1958, in Cambridge. As well as collections of poetry, he has published two books of literary criticism. Time Passing, Beloved93 Dream Forest93 The Mushroom Gatherers94 Under St Paul's95 Epilogue97 PHILIP LARKIN (b. 1922) has written a novel, A Girl in Winter, and two books of poetry. Wedding Wind98 Poetry of Departures99 Toads100 If, My Darling101 Going102 Wants102 The Whitsun Weddings103 Mr Bleaney103 KINGSLEY AMIS (b. 1922) is a Londoner. He is well known for his novels Lucky Jim, That Uncertain Feeling and Take A Girl Like You. Beowulf 107 Dirty Story107 A Dream of Fair Women108 Something Nasty in the Bookshop110 The Voice of Authority: A Language Game111 DAVID HOLBROOK (b. 1923) has spent most of his life in East Anglia as a teacher, and is now a Fellow of King's College, Cambridge. His publications include English for Maturity; Iron, Honey, Gold; Llareggub Revisited; and a first collection of poems, Imaginings (1961). Poor Old Horse113 Fingers in the Door114 Living? Our Supervisors Will Do That For Us!114 Unholy MarriageII5 Reflections on a Book of Reproductions116 Me and the Animais118 MICHAEL HAMBURGER (6. 1924) was educated in Berlin, Edinburgh, London, and Oxford. He is now Reader in German at Reading University, and has pubBshed English translations of Hölderlin, Brecht, Hofmannsthal and others. Instead of ajourney119 Bird Watcher119 In a Convex Mirror120 A Child Accepts121 Spring Song in Winter122 JOHN WAIN (b. 1925) was Lecturer in English at Reading University before resigning to devote more time to his writing. This covers novels, criticai essays, poetry and journalism. The Bad Thing 123 Poem123 The New Sun125 Poem Without a Main Verb126 Au Jardin des Plantes127 ARTHUR BOYARS (b. 1925) has published poetry and criticism in many magazines and reviews, and edited Mandrake from 1946 unti] 1957. He is currently editing The International Literary Annual. Lovers in a Park128 Horses129 Initial130 Final Day133 Florence: Garibaldi Day 1949133 CHRISTOPHER MIDDLETON (b. 1926) is Lecturer in German at London University. He has written articles, broadcast, and published translations of modem German poetry. His first poems appeared in 1944, and a further collection (Torse 3) is due. At Porthcothan135 Aesthetics for Benetto Gulgo137 Alba after Six Years138 Edward Lear in February138 The Thousand Things139 CHARLES TOMLINSON (b. 1927) has lived in Italy and London and now teaches at Bristol University. His first volume of poems was originally published in the U.S.A. Winter Encounters140 How Stili the Hawk141 Poem141 Farewell to Van Gogh142 The Churchyard Wall142 IAIN CRICHTON SMITH (b. 1928) is a Scotsman, born in Lewis, who now teaches at Oban. He speaks and writes in Gaelic and has had Gaelic plays and stories broadcast. Old Woman144 Sunday Morning Walk145 By Ferry to thc Island146 Statement by a Responsible Spinster147 For the Unknown Seamen of the 1939-45 War Buried in Iona Churchyard148 THOM GUNN (b. 1929) was educated at Cambridge and Stan¬ford, California. Hc has pubüshed three collections of poems, and at present teaches in the United States. Carnal Knowledge150 The Wound151 Lofty in thc PaLis de Danse152 Helen's Rape153 The Secret Sliarer153 A Mirror for Poets154 On the Move156 Lines for a Book157 Elvis Presley15 The Allegory of the Wolf Boy Jesus and his Mother159 The Separation160 The Monster161 The Feel of Hands16a Black Jackets From the Highest Camp164 Modes of Pleasure164 PETER PORTER (b. 1929) comes from Brisbane and has lived in London since 1951. He has published two books of poems, Once Bitten, Twice Bitten and Poems Ancient and Modern. Sydney Cove, 1788166 Beast and the Beauty John Marston Advises Anger168 Made in Heaven169 Annotations of Auschwitz170 TED HUGHES (b. 1930) is a Yorkshireman. His books ofpoetry, The Hawk in the Rain and Lupercal, nave won awards in Britain and America. Famous Poet172 Wind173 October Dawn174 Vampire175 February176 A Woman Unconscious177 Esther's Tomcat178 Hawk Roosting179 To Paint a Water Lily180 The Bull Moses181 View of a Pig182 An Otter183 Thrushes185 Pike186 Snowdrop187 Sunstroke188 Gog189 Pibroch190 JON SILKIN (b. 1930) has worked as a manual labourer and taught English to foreign students as well as Publishing several books of poetry, including The Peaceable Kingdom and Nature with Man. He also edits with Ken Smith the literary periodical Quarterly Stand which he started in 1952. Death of a Son191 The Child192 Lilies of the Valley195 A Daisy196 Dandelion197 GEOFFREY HILL (b. 1932) was educated atOxford. For the Unfällen, his first volume of poetry, was published in 1959. Genesis198 God's Little Mountain200 Holy Thursday200 Merlin201 In Memory of Jane Fraser201 The Turtle Dove202 The Troublesome Reign203 Requiem for the Plantagenet Kings204 Canticle for Good Friday204 In Piam Memoriam205 GEORGE MACBETH (b. 1932) was born in Scotland, educated at Oxford, and now works for the BBC. His two collections of poetry are The Bröken Plates and A Domesday Book. The Return206 Mother Superior207 Bedtime Story208 The God of Love210 Owl211 PETER REDGROVE (b. 1932) was educated at Taunton School and Cambridge. He has published two books of poetry since i960. Lazarus and the Sea 213 Old House 214 Early Morning Feed 215 Bedtime Story for my Son 216 Foundation 217 The Archaeologist218 The Affianced 218 For No Good Reason 219 Ghosts 220 The Gamut221 TED WALKER (b. 1934) was educated at Cambridge and teaches languages. He has published two collections of poems, Those Other Growths and Fox on a Barn Door, and won the E. C. Gregory Award in 1964. Breakwaters 222 The Skate Fishers223 Cuckoo-Pint225 Easter Poem225 Porpoises226 DAVID WEVILL(6. 1935) comes from Canada. He read his and English at Cambridge and has lived in England ever s apart from two years when he taught English at Mane University. His first collection of poems, Birth of a S appeared in 1964. Spiders 228 Separation229 The Birth of a Shark230 Street Stroller233 The Crèche233 JOHN FULLER (b. 1937) is doing research at New Col Oxford, where he won the Newdigate Prize in i960. Hi published Fairground Music, a collection of his poenis. White Queen235 Band Music235 Mercury236 Owls236 Green Fingers237 IAN HAMILTON (b. 1938) is editor of The Review. H ceived the E. C. Gregory Award in 1963 and publisr. pamphlet-collection of poems, Pretending Not to Sleep, in The Storm 238 The Recruits238 Trucks 239 Last Illness239 Pretending not to Sleep240 Index of First Lines241 Index of Poets247.

    I Alvarez, Al(prefaţator)

    1. Literatură engleză (t)
    2. Poezii (t)
    3. Antologie (t)


035 __ $a82.82/N56
101 _0 $aeng
102 __ $aGB
200 _0 $aThe new poetry $bCarte tipărită
210 _# $aHarmondsworth $cPenguin Books Ltd. $d1976
215 __ $a247 p.
299 __ $aThe new poetry
300 __ $aIndex
330 __ $aPrefatory Note17 Preface to the Revised Edition 1 Acknowledgements Introduction: The New Poetry, or Beyond the Gentility Principle21 THE AMERICANS JOHN BERRYMAN (b. 1914) is from Oklahoma, and has taught at Harvard and Princeton. As well as poems he has written short stories and a biography of Stephen Crane. The Statue33 The Moon and the Night and the Men 35 The Ball Poem36 The Song of the Tortured Girl 37 Whether there is Sorrow in the Demons 37 New Year's Eve38 from Homage to Mistress Bradstreet41 ROBERT LOWELL (b. 1917) is a Bostonian and Pulitzer Prize winner. He has published several books of poetry, and has been widely noticed in Great Britain. The Quaker Graveyard in Nantucket 43 France47 Mr Edwards and the Spider 48 Waking in the Blue 49 Man and Wife51 ”To Speak of the Woe that is in Marriage”52 Skunk Hour52 ANNE SEXTON (b. 1928) lives in Massachusetts with her hus¬band and two daughters. She began to write in 1957 and has published two books of poetry, To Bedlam and Part Way Back and All my Pretty Ones. She is now working with the theatre on a Ford Foundation Fellowship. A selection of her poetry, Selected Poems, has been published in England. You, Doctor Martin55 Elizabeth Gone56 Her Kind 57 The Abortion 58 For God While Sleeping 59 Old60 SYLVIA PLATH (1932-63) lived in Boston until 1955. Then she carne to Newnham College, Cambridge, where she met Ted Hughes, whom she married in 1956. As well as her books of poetry, The Colossus and Ariel, she published a noyel, The Bell Jar. Lady Lazarus61 Daddy64 The Moon and the Yew Tree66 The Arrival of the Bee Box67 The Swarm69 Childless Woman71 Mary's Song72 THE BRITISH NORMAN MACCAIG (6. 1910) is a schoolmaster. His publications include Riding Lights, The Sinai Sort and A Common Grace. Particular You73 Gifts74 Feeding Ducks74 Spate in Winter Midnight75 Mutual Life76 R. S. THOMAS (b. 1913) is vicar of Eglwys Fach, Cardiganshire. He won the Royal Society of Literature's Heinemann Award with his first collected volume of poems, and has since pub¬lished two further collections. A Peasant77 The Welsh Hill Country77 Welsh Landscape78 Song at the Year's Turning79 January80 Evans80 A Blackbird Singing 80 On a Line in Sandburg 81 Here82 Walter Llywarch82 D. J. ENRIGHT (b. 1920) is at present Professor of English in the University of Malaya, Singapore. Publications include three books of verse, three novels, a book on Japan, and a collection of literary criticism. Sightseeing84 A Polished Performance84 The Poor Wake Up Quickly85 The Noodle-Vendor's Flute86 The Proper Due87 Saying No88 The Quagga88 The Laughing Hyena, by Hokusai90 On the Death of a Child91 Apocalypse91 DONALD DAVIE (b. 1922) has lived and taught in Dublin (ftom 1950 to 1957), and, since 1958, in Cambridge. As well as collections of poetry, he has published two books of literary criticism. Time Passing, Beloved93 Dream Forest93 The Mushroom Gatherers94 Under St Paul's95 Epilogue97 PHILIP LARKIN (b. 1922) has written a novel, A Girl in Winter, and two books of poetry. Wedding Wind98 Poetry of Departures99 Toads100 If, My Darling101 Going102 Wants102 The Whitsun Weddings103 Mr Bleaney103 KINGSLEY AMIS (b. 1922) is a Londoner. He is well known for his novels Lucky Jim, That Uncertain Feeling and Take A Girl Like You. Beowulf 107 Dirty Story107 A Dream of Fair Women108 Something Nasty in the Bookshop110 The Voice of Authority: A Language Game111 DAVID HOLBROOK (b. 1923) has spent most of his life in East Anglia as a teacher, and is now a Fellow of King's College, Cambridge. His publications include English for Maturity; Iron, Honey, Gold; Llareggub Revisited; and a first collection of poems, Imaginings (1961). Poor Old Horse113 Fingers in the Door114 Living? Our Supervisors Will Do That For Us!114 Unholy MarriageII5 Reflections on a Book of Reproductions116 Me and the Animais118 MICHAEL HAMBURGER (6. 1924) was educated in Berlin, Edinburgh, London, and Oxford. He is now Reader in German at Reading University, and has pubBshed English translations of Hölderlin, Brecht, Hofmannsthal and others. Instead of ajourney119 Bird Watcher119 In a Convex Mirror120 A Child Accepts121 Spring Song in Winter122 JOHN WAIN (b. 1925) was Lecturer in English at Reading University before resigning to devote more time to his writing. This covers novels, criticai essays, poetry and journalism. The Bad Thing 123 Poem123 The New Sun125 Poem Without a Main Verb126 Au Jardin des Plantes127 ARTHUR BOYARS (b. 1925) has published poetry and criticism in many magazines and reviews, and edited Mandrake from 1946 unti] 1957. He is currently editing The International Literary Annual. Lovers in a Park128 Horses129 Initial130 Final Day133 Florence: Garibaldi Day 1949133 CHRISTOPHER MIDDLETON (b. 1926) is Lecturer in German at London University. He has written articles, broadcast, and published translations of modem German poetry. His first poems appeared in 1944, and a further collection (Torse 3) is due. At Porthcothan135 Aesthetics for Benetto Gulgo137 Alba after Six Years138 Edward Lear in February138 The Thousand Things139 CHARLES TOMLINSON (b. 1927) has lived in Italy and London and now teaches at Bristol University. His first volume of poems was originally published in the U.S.A. Winter Encounters140 How Stili the Hawk141 Poem141 Farewell to Van Gogh142 The Churchyard Wall142 IAIN CRICHTON SMITH (b. 1928) is a Scotsman, born in Lewis, who now teaches at Oban. He speaks and writes in Gaelic and has had Gaelic plays and stories broadcast. Old Woman144 Sunday Morning Walk145 By Ferry to thc Island146 Statement by a Responsible Spinster147 For the Unknown Seamen of the 1939-45 War Buried in Iona Churchyard148 THOM GUNN (b. 1929) was educated at Cambridge and Stan¬ford, California. Hc has pubüshed three collections of poems, and at present teaches in the United States. Carnal Knowledge150 The Wound151 Lofty in thc PaLis de Danse152 Helen's Rape153 The Secret Sliarer153 A Mirror for Poets154 On the Move156 Lines for a Book157 Elvis Presley15 The Allegory of the Wolf Boy Jesus and his Mother159 The Separation160 The Monster161 The Feel of Hands16a Black Jackets From the Highest Camp164 Modes of Pleasure164 PETER PORTER (b. 1929) comes from Brisbane and has lived in London since 1951. He has published two books of poems, Once Bitten, Twice Bitten and Poems Ancient and Modern. Sydney Cove, 1788166 Beast and the Beauty John Marston Advises Anger168 Made in Heaven169 Annotations of Auschwitz170 TED HUGHES (b. 1930) is a Yorkshireman. His books ofpoetry, The Hawk in the Rain and Lupercal, nave won awards in Britain and America. Famous Poet172 Wind173 October Dawn174 Vampire175 February176 A Woman Unconscious177 Esther's Tomcat178 Hawk Roosting179 To Paint a Water Lily180 The Bull Moses181 View of a Pig182 An Otter183 Thrushes185 Pike186 Snowdrop187 Sunstroke188 Gog189 Pibroch190 JON SILKIN (b. 1930) has worked as a manual labourer and taught English to foreign students as well as Publishing several books of poetry, including The Peaceable Kingdom and Nature with Man. He also edits with Ken Smith the literary periodical Quarterly Stand which he started in 1952. Death of a Son191 The Child192 Lilies of the Valley195 A Daisy196 Dandelion197 GEOFFREY HILL (b. 1932) was educated atOxford. For the Unfällen, his first volume of poetry, was published in 1959. Genesis198 God's Little Mountain200 Holy Thursday200 Merlin201 In Memory of Jane Fraser201 The Turtle Dove202 The Troublesome Reign203 Requiem for the Plantagenet Kings204 Canticle for Good Friday204 In Piam Memoriam205 GEORGE MACBETH (b. 1932) was born in Scotland, educated at Oxford, and now works for the BBC. His two collections of poetry are The Bröken Plates and A Domesday Book. The Return206 Mother Superior207 Bedtime Story208 The God of Love210 Owl211 PETER REDGROVE (b. 1932) was educated at Taunton School and Cambridge. He has published two books of poetry since i960. Lazarus and the Sea 213 Old House 214 Early Morning Feed 215 Bedtime Story for my Son 216 Foundation 217 The Archaeologist218 The Affianced 218 For No Good Reason 219 Ghosts 220 The Gamut221 TED WALKER (b. 1934) was educated at Cambridge and teaches languages. He has published two collections of poems, Those Other Growths and Fox on a Barn Door, and won the E. C. Gregory Award in 1964. Breakwaters 222 The Skate Fishers223 Cuckoo-Pint225 Easter Poem225 Porpoises226 DAVID WEVILL(6. 1935) comes from Canada. He read his and English at Cambridge and has lived in England ever s apart from two years when he taught English at Mane University. His first collection of poems, Birth of a S appeared in 1964. Spiders 228 Separation229 The Birth of a Shark230 Street Stroller233 The Crèche233 JOHN FULLER (b. 1937) is doing research at New Col Oxford, where he won the Newdigate Prize in i960. Hi published Fairground Music, a collection of his poenis. White Queen235 Band Music235 Mercury236 Owls236 Green Fingers237 IAN HAMILTON (b. 1938) is editor of The Review. H ceived the E. C. Gregory Award in 1963 and publisr. pamphlet-collection of poems, Pretending Not to Sleep, in The Storm 238 The Recruits238 Trucks 239 Last Illness239 Pretending not to Sleep240 Index of First Lines241 Index of Poets247
606 _0 $aLiteratură engleză (t)
606 _0 $aPoezii (t)
606 _0 $aAntologie (t)
675 __ $a821.111-1(082)
686 __ $a821
702 _0 $4antologator $4prefaţator $aAlvarez, Al
975 _0 $a821.111
975 _0 $a(082)
975 _0 $a-1
Barcode/Nr. Inventar Număr/Ediție Localizare Regim resursa Disponibil Cota
1. 537232 / 537232 CS Împrumut Da 82-82
Gestiune Regim imprumut Ex. Acțiune
CS Împrumut 1

Disponibile: 1

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