The steppe lands and the world beyond them : studies in honor of Victor Spinei on his 70th birthday

Editura Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” chat
Loc publicare Iaşi
An 2013
Subiect Istorie universală chat
Istoriografie chat
Arheologie chat
Popor migrator chat
ISBN 9789737039330
Note Texte în limbile română, engleză, franceză, germană


    The steppe lands and the world beyond them : studies in honor of Victor Spinei on his 70th birthday / Michel Kazanski, Peter Golden, Li Jinxiu, ... ; editors: Florin Curta, Bogdan-Petru Maleon.- Iaşi : Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” , 2013.
    798 p. : il., tab..    
    Texte în limbile română, engleză, franceză, germană
    CONTENTS Victor Spinei and the research on the Eurasian steppe lands9 Victor Spinei’s opus: a complete list of works13 Early nomads Michel Kazanski, The land of the Antes according to Jordanes and Procopius35 Peter Golden, Some notes on the Avars and Rowan 43 Li Jinxiu, A study of the Xiyu Tuji 67 Istvan Zimonyi, The chapter of the Jayhani - tradition on the Pechenegs99 Adrian Ioniţă, Observaţii asupra mormintelor cu depunere de cai sau părţi de cai în spaţiul cuprins între Dunărea de Jos, Carpaţi şi Nistru, în secolele X-XIII.115 Mykola Melnyk, On the issue of the authenticity of the names of Pecheneg rulers in the Nikonian chronicle151 Nomads in the Balkans and in Central Europe Aleksander Paroh, “Facta est Christiana lex, in pessimo et crudelissimo populo. ” Bruno of Querfurt among the Pechenegs161 Marek Mesko, Pecheneg groups in the Balkans (ca. 1053-1091) according to the Byzantine sources 179 Alexandru Madgearu, The Pechenegs in the Byzantine army207 Jonathan Shepard, Mingling with northern barbarians: advantages and perils 219 Alexandar Nikolov, “Ethnos Skythikon”: the Uzes in the Balkans (facts and interpretations) 235 Uwe Fiedler, Zur Sue he nach dem archaologischen Niederschlag von Petschenegen, Uzen und Kumanen in den Gebieten sudlich der unteren Donau 249 Ioto Valeriev, New Byzantine, tenth-to eleventh-century lead seals from Bulgaria287 Francesco Dall'Aglio, The interaction between nomadic and sedentary peoples on the Lower Danube: the Cumans and the "Second Bulgarian Empire”299 The Mongols and the aftermath of the Mongol invasion of 1241 Christopher P. Atwood, The Uyghur stone: archaeological revelations in the Mongol Empire 315 Antti Ruotsala, Roger Bacon and the imperial Mongols of the thirteenth century345 Christian Gastgeber, John of Plano Carpini and William of Rubruck. Rereading their treatises about the Mongols from a sociolinguistic point of view355 Charles J. Halperin, "No one knew who they were”: Rus’ interaction with the Mongols377 Georgi Atanasov, Le maitre (dominus) de Drăstăr Terter et le beg Tatar Kutlu-Buga pendant les annees 70 - 80 du XIV siecle 389 Alexander Rubel, Alexander kam nur bis zur chinesischen Mauer. Der Alexanderroman und seine Reise nach Asien im Mittelalter399 Medieval archaeology within and outside the steppe lands Silviu Oţa, Cercei decoraţi cu muluri de granule pe pandantiv (secolele XII-XIV) 409 Dumitru Ţeicu, The beginnings of the church architecture in the medieval Banat: rotundas437 Ionel Cândea, Some remarks on new ornamental disks, stove tiles, and tripods from the medieval town of Brăila (14th-16th centuries)455 Lia Bătrîna, Adrian Bătrîna, Gheorghe Sion, Reşedinţa feudală de la Giuleşti (com. Boroaia) 469 Early urban life between steppe empires and Byzantium Virgil Ciocîltan, Cluj şi Galaţi: sugestii etimologice523 Laurenţiu Rădvan, Contribuţii la istoria unui vechi oraş al Moldovei: Bârlad543 Liviu Pilat, Iaşii şi drumul comercial moldovenesc563 Emil Lupu, Drum, oraş şi hotar între Ţara Moldovei şi Ţara Românească569 Sergiu Musteaţă, Chişinăul şi arheologia urbană 599 The world outside the steppe lands during the Middle Ages and the early modern period Alexandru-Florin Platon, Representation et politique: l'hypostase corporelle de l 'Etat dans l 'Empire Byzantin 617 Warren Treadgold, The lost Secret History of Nicetas the Paphlagonian 645 Ovidiu Cristea, Un gest al lui Manuel I Comnenul la Zemun (1165) 677 Alexandru Simon, Walachians, Arpadians, and Assenids: the implications of a lost charter689 Matei Cazacu, Marche frontaliere ou Etat dans VEtat? TOltenie aux XIV-XV siecles697 Arno Mentzel-Reuters, Der Kreuzzug des Deutschen Ordens zum Dnjestr (1497). Protokoll einer Katastrophe743 Ioan-Aurel Pop, Un text latin din 1531, despre raporturile moldo-polone, de la arhivele de stat din Milano761 lurie Stamati, Les Slaves et la genese des Roumains et de leurs Etats selon la tradition historiographique russe, de la chronique Voskresenskaia a Lev Berg779 Abbreviations795.
    ISBN 9789737039330

    I Kazanski, Michel
    II Golden, Peter
    III Li Jinxiu
    IV Curta, Florin(editor)
    V Maleon, Bogdan-Petru(editor)

    1. Istorie universală
    2. Istoriografie
    3. Arheologie
    4. Popor migrator


299 __ $aThe steppe lands and the world beyond them : studies in honor of Victor Spinei on his 70th birthday
975 __ $a930 $a(100) $a94
200 __ $aThe steppe lands and the world beyond them $estudies in honor of Victor Spinei on his 70th birthday $fMichel Kazanski, Peter Golden, Li Jinxiu, ... $geditors: Florin Curta, Bogdan-Petru Maleon $bCarte tipărită
701 __ $aKazanski, Michel
701 __ $aGolden, Peter
701 __ $aLi Jinxiu
702 __ $aCurta, Florin $4editor
702 __ $aMaleon, Bogdan-Petru $4editor
010 __ $a9789737039330
035 __ $a94(100)/S83
675 __ $a930(100)
675 __ $a94(100)
686 __ $a929/94
606 __ $aIstorie universală
606 __ $aIstoriografie
606 __ $aArheologie
606 __ $aPopor migrator
101 __ $amul
102 __ $aRomania
210 __ $aIaşi $cEditura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” $d2013
215 __ $a798 p. $cil., tab.
300 __ $aTexte în limbile română, engleză, franceză, germană
330 __ $aCONTENTS Victor Spinei and the research on the Eurasian steppe lands9 Victor Spinei’s opus: a complete list of works13 Early nomads Michel Kazanski, The land of the Antes according to Jordanes and Procopius35 Peter Golden, Some notes on the Avars and Rowan 43 Li Jinxiu, A study of the Xiyu Tuji 67 Istvan Zimonyi, The chapter of the Jayhani - tradition on the Pechenegs99 Adrian Ioniţă, Observaţii asupra mormintelor cu depunere de cai sau părţi de cai în spaţiul cuprins între Dunărea de Jos, Carpaţi şi Nistru, în secolele X-XIII.115 Mykola Melnyk, On the issue of the authenticity of the names of Pecheneg rulers in the Nikonian chronicle151 Nomads in the Balkans and in Central Europe Aleksander Paroh, “Facta est Christiana lex, in pessimo et crudelissimo populo. ” Bruno of Querfurt among the Pechenegs161 Marek Mesko, Pecheneg groups in the Balkans (ca. 1053-1091) according to the Byzantine sources 179 Alexandru Madgearu, The Pechenegs in the Byzantine army207 Jonathan Shepard, Mingling with northern barbarians: advantages and perils 219 Alexandar Nikolov, “Ethnos Skythikon”: the Uzes in the Balkans (facts and interpretations) 235 Uwe Fiedler, Zur Sue he nach dem archaologischen Niederschlag von Petschenegen, Uzen und Kumanen in den Gebieten sudlich der unteren Donau 249 Ioto Valeriev, New Byzantine, tenth-to eleventh-century lead seals from Bulgaria287 Francesco Dall'Aglio, The interaction between nomadic and sedentary peoples on the Lower Danube: the Cumans and the "Second Bulgarian Empire”299 The Mongols and the aftermath of the Mongol invasion of 1241 Christopher P. Atwood, The Uyghur stone: archaeological revelations in the Mongol Empire 315 Antti Ruotsala, Roger Bacon and the imperial Mongols of the thirteenth century345 Christian Gastgeber, John of Plano Carpini and William of Rubruck. Rereading their treatises about the Mongols from a sociolinguistic point of view355 Charles J. Halperin, "No one knew who they were”: Rus’ interaction with the Mongols377 Georgi Atanasov, Le maitre (dominus) de Drăstăr Terter et le beg Tatar Kutlu-Buga pendant les annees 70 - 80 du XIV siecle 389 Alexander Rubel, Alexander kam nur bis zur chinesischen Mauer. Der Alexanderroman und seine Reise nach Asien im Mittelalter399 Medieval archaeology within and outside the steppe lands Silviu Oţa, Cercei decoraţi cu muluri de granule pe pandantiv (secolele XII-XIV) 409 Dumitru Ţeicu, The beginnings of the church architecture in the medieval Banat: rotundas437 Ionel Cândea, Some remarks on new ornamental disks, stove tiles, and tripods from the medieval town of Brăila (14th-16th centuries)455 Lia Bătrîna, Adrian Bătrîna, Gheorghe Sion, Reşedinţa feudală de la Giuleşti (com. Boroaia) 469 Early urban life between steppe empires and Byzantium Virgil Ciocîltan, Cluj şi Galaţi: sugestii etimologice523 Laurenţiu Rădvan, Contribuţii la istoria unui vechi oraş al Moldovei: Bârlad543 Liviu Pilat, Iaşii şi drumul comercial moldovenesc563 Emil Lupu, Drum, oraş şi hotar între Ţara Moldovei şi Ţara Românească569 Sergiu Musteaţă, Chişinăul şi arheologia urbană 599 The world outside the steppe lands during the Middle Ages and the early modern period Alexandru-Florin Platon, Representation et politique: l'hypostase corporelle de l 'Etat dans l 'Empire Byzantin 617 Warren Treadgold, The lost Secret History of Nicetas the Paphlagonian 645 Ovidiu Cristea, Un gest al lui Manuel I Comnenul la Zemun (1165) 677 Alexandru Simon, Walachians, Arpadians, and Assenids: the implications of a lost charter689 Matei Cazacu, Marche frontaliere ou Etat dans VEtat? TOltenie aux XIV-XV siecles697 Arno Mentzel-Reuters, Der Kreuzzug des Deutschen Ordens zum Dnjestr (1497). Protokoll einer Katastrophe743 Ioan-Aurel Pop, Un text latin din 1531, despre raporturile moldo-polone, de la arhivele de stat din Milano761 lurie Stamati, Les Slaves et la genese des Roumains et de leurs Etats selon la tradition historiographique russe, de la chronique Voskresenskaia a Lev Berg779 Abbreviations795
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