Yevgeni Mravinsky conducts

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Loc publicare Moscova
An 1965
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    Yevgeni Mravinsky conducts / Yevgeni Mravinsky ; W. Mozart, I. Stravinsky ; Leningrad Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra ; Honoured Ensemble of the Russian Republic.- Moscova : Melodia , 1965.
    1 disc audio.    
    W.A. Mozart: Symphony no. 39 in E flat major, K. 543; I. Stravinsky: Apollon Musagetes, ballet music.

    I Mozart, Wolfgand Amadeus
    II Stravinsky, Igor
    III Leningrad Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra
    IV Honoured Ensemble of the Russian Republic

    1. Muzică simfonică
    2. Romantism (curent muzical)
    3. Simfonie


299 __ $aYevgeni Mravinsky conducts
975 __ $a785 $a(100)
200 __ $aYevgeni Mravinsky conducts $bDisc audio $fYevgeni Mravinsky $gW. Mozart, I. Stravinsky $gLeningrad Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra $gHonoured Ensemble of the Russian Republic
701 __ $aMozart, Wolfgand Amadeus
701 __ $aStravinsky, Igor
035 __ $a78(100)
675 __ $a785(100)
686 __ $a78/79
606 __ $aMuzică simfonică
606 __ $aRomantism (curent muzical)
606 __ $aSimfonie
101 __ $arus $aeng $afre
210 __ $aMoscova $cMelodia $d1965
215 __ $a1 disc audio
711 __ $aLeningrad Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra
711 __ $aHonoured Ensemble of the Russian Republic
330 __ $aW.A. Mozart: Symphony no. 39 in E flat major, K. 543; I. Stravinsky: Apollon Musagetes, ballet music
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